
  • Birth

    Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria
  • Sworn in as Chancellor

    Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany on the 30th January, 1933
  • Holocaust begins

    The holocaust begins on the 1st April,1933 and the Nazis instigate there first act against the German Jews.
  • Nazi Party declared to be the only legal party in Germany

    By the end of June all of the other parties had been dissolved and Hitler had pressured his nominal coalition partner into resigning. On July 14th, 1933 Hitlers Nazi Party was the only legal party in Germany
  • Officially named Fuher

    On the 2nd of August, 1934 President Von Hindenburg died. The previous day the cabinet had made a law that if the president dies the office would be abolished and combined with the chancellor. Therefore on that day Hitler became head of state and head of government and was formally names Fuhrer
  • Hitler introduced 2 laws

    Hitler introduced 2 laws, one of which was that if someone had one or two Jewish grandparents they were a "crossbreed" and were stripped of all rights and German citizenship and the other banned sexual intercourse between Germans and Jews
  • Non-Aggression pact was made between Hitler and Stalin

    The non-aggression pact was in between Germany and the Soviet Union and it was that they did not attack eachother
  • 3 Million German troops attack the Soviet Union

    Three million German troops attacked the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa
  • Soviets Attack Berlin

    The Battle in Berlin lasted from 20 April 1945 until the morning of 2 May.
  • Death

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide via gunshot in his fuherbunker in Berlin, on the 30th April, 1945. His wife committed with him but by injecting cyanide