• Sandhurst Manifesto

    Sandhurst Manifesto
    Before Alfonso XII proclaimed himself king, he signed a political manifesto on December 1, 1874 in his time of exile, showing his willingness to be king (Sandhurst Manifesto)
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    Reign of Alfonso XII

    He was king of Spain between 1874 and 1885. He was born in Madrid on November 28, 1857 and died on November 25, 1885.
    He was the son of Queen Elizabeth II and King Francis of Assisi of Bourbon.
    His reign marked the end of the first republic and he had a son (the future King) called Alfonso XII with his wife Maria Christina
  • PSOE is founded

    PSOE is founded
    The PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) was founded by Pablo Iglesias Posse and was defined as a working class, socialist and Marxist party. It became one of the two best political party in Spain with the PP.
    Currently it is the party that governs in Spain with the Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez
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    Regency of Maria Christina

    She was the second wife of King Alfonso XII and mother of Alfonso XIII due to tuberculosis. Deceased Alfonso XII, he exercised the regency during the minority of age of his son, King Alfonso XIII from 1885 to 1902.
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    Reign of Alfonso XIII

    King Alfonso XII reigned from birth since his father, Alfonso XII, had died months before. During her minority, her mother Maria Christina served as queen as regent until 1902, when she turned 16 and swore the constitution.
    His reign lasted until 1931, when he was exiled when the second republic began.
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    The Bases for the Catalan Regional Constitution, better known as the Bases of Manresa, are the document presented as a draft of the Catalan regional constitution for a presentation by the Catalan Union before the council of representatives of the Catalan associations, meeting in Manresa on the 25th and 27th March 1892 at the initiative of the Lliga de Catalunya.
  • Treaty of Paris(1898)

    Treaty of Paris(1898)
    The Paris Treaty ended the Spanish-American war, so Spain abandoned its demands on Cuba and the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico became the property of the United States. In the negotiations, Spain finally had to accept the US impositions since it had lost the war and could jeopardize some of its other possessions.
  • Tragic week of 1909

    Tragic week of 1909
    Fueron enfrentamientos entre el ejercito español y los anarquistas, socialistas y republicanos de Cataluña durante una semana de Julio de 1909. Fue provocado por el primer ministro Antonio Maura, que queria enviarlos como refuerzos cuando españa renovo la actividad militar en Marruecos. Muchos de ellos eran los que mantenian a sus familias mientras que los ricos podian contratar sustitutos
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    It was a revolution in Russia led by Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik Party. It took place through an armed insurrection in Petrograd on October 25.
    The revolution was led by the Bolsheviks, who used their influence in the Petrograd Soviet to organize the armed forces. The Bolshevik Red Guard forces under the Revolutionary Military Committee began the occupation of government buildings on October 25
  • Disaster of Annual

    Disaster of Annual
    It was a Spanish military defeat in the Rif War. It was produced near the Moroccan town of Annual. This battle resulted in the death of around eleven thousand five hundred members of the Spanish army. This defeat led to a colonial political surrender of Spain in the Rif war. The unrest created by this defeat was one of the causes of the coup by Miguel Primo de Rivera. The war continued until Abd-el-Krim surrendered in May 1926 and the fighting ended on July 10, 1927.
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    Dictatorionship of Primo de Rivera

    was the political regime after the coup d'etat of Spain Miguel Primo de Rivera, captain general of Catalonia. He proclaimed himself Head of Government and President of the military directory. This dictatorship begins in 1923 and falls in 1930.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    After the resignation of Primo de Rivera, Alfonso XIII tried to return the weakened monarchical regime to the constitutional and parliamentary path, naming Dámaso Berenguer as president of the government, but he failed in his attempt to return to constitutional normality.
  • Period: to

    Second Spanish Republic

    It was the form of government in Spain for eight years. It was proclaimed after the deposition of Alfonso XII.
    After the proclamation of the second republic, a provisional government was set up until the 1931 constitution was finally signed and the Republic was formally established.
    Finally they lost the Spanish civil war and the Franco dictatorship was imposed
  • Tragic Spring

    Tragic Spring
    This period, from the victory of the Popular Front electoral coalition in February 1936 to the coup in July 1936, will have a status, marked by great social unrest, which will be detected in the large number of strikes and the burning of churches. , and for a great violence that had been exerted unilaterally by the left towards the right.
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    Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936, when Generals Emilio Mola and Francisco Franco started an uprising to overthrow the Republic and ended on April 1, 1939 with the victory of the national side with Franco at the head.
  • Bomber of Gernika

    Bomber of Gernika
    It was an air attack carried out on the civilian population of this Spanish population on April 26, 1937, during the Spanish civil war, by the German Condor Legion and the Italian Legionary Aviation, which were fighting for the rebel side against the government of the Second Spanish Republic. there were around 150 dead
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    In June 1938, the Nationalists drove to the Mediterranean Sea and cut Republican territory in two. In January 1939, its capital, Barcelona, was captured, and soon after the rest of Catalonia fell. On March 28, 1939, the victorious Nationalists entered Madrid in triumph, and the Spanish Civil War came to an end.