japanese invasion of china
japan invades china japan wanted there resources and china was weak so they invaded. japan invaded china. the effects of this was japan caputured the industrial centres and capitals of china. -
germany invades poland
germanys invasion on polandgermany bombarded poland from the air and the land. germany attacked because they felt like they needed to defend themselves. hitler also attacked because he thought it would bring germany living space. it ended up that polands leader fled. -
german blitzkrieg
blitzkrieg the blitzkrieg was first used in poland. the blitzkrieg was called lighting war. is was an attack that used lots of bobs to tke out airways and communitcation it was the followed by troops to take it over. they used it because it worked very good. the invasion ended up with poland being under control of the soviet union and germany. -
operation barbarossa
operation barbarosaa this happened because he wanted to conquer the soviet territoties. germany tried to attckthe soviet union. the soviet union wasnt prepraed and ended up losing a lot of people. -
pearl harbor
pearl harbor japens fighter planes attacked americas naval base on honolulu. japan attacked to slim down the american navy. this attack affected america politically and econmically -
Wannsee Conference
wannsee nazi officials meet to talk baout exterminating all jews in germany. this happened becaus ehitler wanted to talk about killing jews to keep the german blood line pure. this conference resulted in thousands of jews being killed and also lead to the holocaust. -
baatan death march
baatan death march it wa a march of americans after surrenderng to japan. they did this ecause they were in battle and they were making sure they got off there territory. the effects were lots of americans dieing which made america mad and then sparked them to attack japan a lot. -
battle of midway
battle of midway united states attacked japan. there navy feets crossed paths and they battled. this resulted n japan losing 2 aircraft carriers and that cased them to not be as. therefore they would have to play more defense then offense. -
battle of stalingrad
battle of stalingrad the soviet union defended stalingrad. this appened because the germans had used the blitzkrieg in operation barbossa and came here next. this battle was between the soviets and the germns. the results of this was hitler getting embarrased by the lose and then the battle importance in germany went to new standards. -
warsaw ghettto uprising
warsaw Ghetto germans invade warsaw and make jews put on armband with a blue star of david on. they did this because the germans sent them to death camps so they fught back. after this they were either killed or sent to labor camps. -
Operation Gomorrah
Operation Gomorrah british bombers raid hamburg germany. this happened because germany recently bombed britain in july so it was kind of an act of revenge. the results of this happenning was lots of people dieing and hitler did not want to visit hamburg anymore. -
D Day Normandy landings
D Day american britain and canadian troops land on frances northern coast they did this to help them defeat germany. this attack was later called the beginning of the the end of the war in europe. the results of this was the allies defeating germany. -
liberation of concentration camps
liberation of concentration camps camps got invaded. they invaded because it was wrong and they were trying to sae the prisoners and also fight the germans at the same time. after awhle it started to kill off the concentration camps. -
battle of the bulge
battle of the bulge germany attacked america. the reason they attacked was to push the allied forces farther back into northern france. this battle resulted in germany losing a lot of armoured vehicles and aircraft that they couldnt get back. the reason it is called the battle of the bulge is because the allied forces line was in the shape of a large bulge. -
operation thunderclap
operation thunderclap operation thunderclap was suppose to be an attck on berlin to destroy lots of german personel. they attacked because it would be a counter attack to the D Day attack that happened days before. this attack effected dresden by almost comletely destroying it and taking out almost all the houses along with schools churches and hospitals. -
battle of Iwo Jime
bttle of Iwo Jima american marines attack japan. america wanted to take over the island because then they could launch aircraft to attack japan. america won and toook over the island and now had a place to stop on the way to attack japan. -
battle of okinawa
battle of okinawa america attacks an island named okinawa that japan was defending. they wanted to take this island over because it would cut supply lines for japan and it would be a good base for a lter attack against japan. japan ended up losing lots of trops. -
VE day
VE day this i when world war 2 was over in europe. the reason why is because adolf hitler commited suicide at the battle of berlin. this resulted in germany surrendng and backing out of world war 2. -
dropping of the atoic bombs
dropping of the atomic bombs america dropped the first ever developed atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. they bombed these cities to try to get japan to surrend. the results of them doing this was japan sureender and over 90% of hiroshima was destroyed. -
VJ day
VJ day Japan surrendered. they surrendered because of the atomic bombs being dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki. this resulted in World War 2 ending.