history timeline

  • Introduction to Slavery in the United States

    Introduction to Slavery in the United States
    20 enslaved people were first brought to America in April of 1619. At this time America was still owned by England, who was trying to contain and own America as their own country. The 20 enslaved people were brought to Point Comfort, Virginia. This is near Jamestown the first settlement. These enslaved people were brought to America by British settlers who were on there way here. They captured them off of a passing Portuguese ship.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was the document that declared war against England. The Document was basically a letter saying we are declaring war. The Declaration was written by in June of 1776 by Thomas Jefferson. Even though it was written in June the document was not adopted until July 4 that same year. The main purpose was to explain the colonist right to revolution. Meaning to explain why the colonies want to rebell and to explain how they are right in doing so.
  • End of the Revolutionary War

    End of the Revolutionary War
    The end of the Revolutionary War was on September 3,1783. It was called the Treaty of Paris. This treaty ended the war between the United States and England. The last battle in the Revolutionary war was the battle of Yorktown,Virginia. During this battle the British surrendered. This connects to the Civil War because we fought a hard war to become the United States and ended up fighting a civil war.
  • Abolitionists Movement

    Abolitionists Movement
    The Abolitionist Movements was the movement to end slavery. It started around 1830 and lasted up until 1870. Some of the leaders of this movement mimicked the tactic that the British slaves used to end slavery in England. They protested the slave trade between other countries and fought to free all slaves. This links to the gettysburg address and the civil war because it was right before the civil war started.
  • The Slave Rebellion

    The Slave Rebellion
    The Slave Rebellion was before the civil war and was one of the main events that lead up to it. One of the leaders of the Rebellion was John Brown. John Brown was actually White and even though he was he moved his family into an African American town, and lead many rebellions against racism and for equal rights.The rebellion in 1831 ended up killing 55-65, 51 of those people were white. This rebellion was at Southampton Country, Virginia.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave act was the act that the US congress passed on September 18,1850. This act gave and person the right to return runaway slaves. The problem with this was that people would forceful capture and kidnap any african american person they saw. And even if that African American was free they return the free man back to a farm to become a slave. The "Slave Catchers were very cruel and would sometimes even whip the slaves before returning them back into slavery.
  • Southern States Secede/Northern Response

    Southern States Secede/Northern Response
    There were 11 states that decided to succeed from the Union. THey were all the southern states and they were called the Confederate states of America. There were 20 union states and there were also 34 territories at the time. The southern states left to protect there rights. On December 20 South Carolina became the first state to leave the Union. The Union new that they would be a stronger country if they had the Southern states and the Northerners response was to declare war.
  • The Beginning and End of the Civil war (1861-1865)

    The Beginning and End of the Civil war (1861-1865)
    The beginning of the civil war was on April 12, 1861. The civil war was fought over the confederate and the united states. even though many people think it was started over slavery. The first battle and the battle that started it was the battle of Fort Sumter. the last battle was the battle of Petersburg. After this battle the Confederates surrendered.In 1865.
  • The Delivering of the Gettysburg Address

    The Delivering of the Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg address was one of the speech that Abraham Lincoln gave during the Civil War. He gave this speech after the battle of Gettysburg. He dedicated this speech to all of the fallen soldiers that died there. He also made a graveyard there for all of the union soldiers that died. This speech was actually very short but, it was very impactful. As Well as being about the soldiers it was also about equality in all men.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasination

    Abraham Lincoln Assasination
    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated immediately after the Civil War ended. The civil war ended on April 9 and he was assassinated just 6 days later on April 15. He was assassinated while him and his wife were in a theater watching a play. He was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth, he was a supporter of slavery. He killed him because he knew Abraham Lincoln was against slavery from many of his speeches and because of the Civil War.