2001 BCE
No Child Left Behind 2001
Relies heavily on standardized testing over good assessment which some movements believe is wrong. -
1990 BCE
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act 1990
The The Education of All Handicapped Children was reauthorized and renamed The individuals with Disabilities Education. Its still active today. Providing equal education for children with disabilities is very important but there is still conflict with allowing equality int he classroom such as allowing children with disabilities to be treated and taught just like other children in the classroom. -
1975 BCE
Education of All Handicapped Children Act 1975
This act ensure that children with disabilities are fully funded to be able to have a free public education. -
1965 BCE
First Head Start 1965
Head start is one of many of the longest running programs that involve systematic poverty such as Early Head Start and Family and Community Partnerships. -
1965 BCE
Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
This Act provides financial funds to help educate children of the lower class families. These funds are also used to pay for programs that help children understand and comprehend challenging curriculum they are struggling with. -
1964 BCE
Civil Rights Act 1964
1964 This Act protects the constitutional rights and individual rights in public facilities including public education. -
1964 BCE
The Economic Opportunity Act 1964
President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty. This war promoted programs such as health education, and general welfare for people in the lower class to have an opportunity to work. -
1957 BCE
Sputnik 1957
- The launch of the worlds first satellite was called Sputnik. It is important to us today because of its impression on science, math, and technology. All of this was born out of a nuclear arms race. Its discoveries are a reason why we teach children the way we do and how we think about knowledge and education.
Period: 1859 BCE to 1952 BCE
John Dewey and Progressive Education Theory 1859-1952
Dewey's theory of progressivism focuses more on a child's interests rather that strict core subject matter. He believed that children should be learning about life and the skills needed for living in daily life which included making and using things, problem solving, and learning through social interaction. Children expressed their interests through cooking and carpentry.