History timeline

  • First model T

  • Zimmerman telegram

  • WWI armistice

  • 19th amendment

  • Charles Lindbergh flight

  • Black Thursday

  • New deal

  • Hitler named chancellor

  • Munich pact

  • Hitler invades Poland

  • Pearl Harbor bombings

  • D-day invasion

  • Hiroshima

  • Nagasaki

  • United nations formed

  • long telegram

  • NATO Formation

  • Russians acquired atomic bomb

  • Korean war

  • brown vs board of education

  • Vietnam war

    • April, 30th, 1975
  • Rosa Parks won't give up seat

  • Cuban missile crisis

  • JFK assassination

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • Apollo 11

  • Watergate break in

  • Nixon resignation

  • Invention of the internet

  • Fall of Berlin wall

  • 9/11