
History Timeline

By bam08
  • WWI 1914 - 1918

    WWI 1914 - 1918
    WWI was a global war centered in Europe.
  • NCSS is Founded 1921

    NCSS is Founded 1921
    The largest association in the country devoted to social studies education
  • Great Depression 1929 – 1932

    Great Depression  1929 – 1932
    The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding WWII
  • WWII 1939 – 1945

    WWII 1939 – 1945
    A global war that resulted in more deaths than any other war.
  • Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941

    Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941
    The Naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by over 300 Japanese fighters.
  • Korean War 1950 - 1953

    Korean War 1950 - 1953
    The US provided more than half of the international soliders for this war.
  • Civil Rights 1955 – 1968

    Civil Rights 1955 – 1968
    A movement led primarily by African Americans in hopes to gain equal rights.
  • First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia) 1957

    First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia) 1957
    Sputnik transmitted signals back to earth that were strong enough to be picked up by radio operators.
  • Vietnam 1960 – 1973

    Vietnam 1960 – 1973
    There had been fighting in Vietnam for decades before the war.
  • First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin, Russia) 1961

    First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin, Russia) 1961
    Yuri Gagarin was a soviet pilot and was the first man in space.
  • First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA) 1969

    First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA) 1969
    The first man to walk on the moon died this past year at age 82.
  • Watergate 1974

    Watergate 1974
    This scandal resulted in the resignation of President Nixon
  • N.C.L.B. mandate in schools 2000 – present

    N.C.L.B. mandate in schools  2000 – present
    No Child Left Behind is a program that provides funding to schools which allows disadvantaged students to receive an equal education.
  • World Trade Center Attacks Sept. 11, 2001

    World Trade Center Attacks Sept. 11, 2001
    The World Trade Center Attacks happened on the morning of 9/11, when two planes were hijacked by terrorists and crashed into the north and south towers of the World Trade Center.