
History Timeline

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This was issued by King George the Third following the French-Indian war. It prevented colonists from settling past an imaginary line by the Appalachian mountains. This was to prevent conflict wiht the Native Americans so that they could establish trade and stable realationships.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    This act passed by parliment added a new tax on molasses and sugar. Colonists were to pay six pence per gallon on imported molasses. Molasses and sugar are salso the raw ingrediants for rum which hurt the colonial economy.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    The stamp act was a direct tax imposed upon the english colonists. This act made the requirement that all printed materials had to have a stamp on it to prove th at the tax had been payed.The purpose of this tax was to help pay for the debt caused by the French-Indian war.
  • Quartering Act 1765

    Quartering Act 1765
    This act was passed by Parliment. It stated that the local governments of Colonial America were to provide housing and food for the Britsh soldiers, also known as red coats. This act was also passed so that the soldiers could keep a closer eye on all the colonists.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    This was a very impottant meeting held in New York City. Many representatives from all of the British Colonies ca,e to this meeting. It was the first meeting of elected represenatives in northern America. It was held in protest to the Stamp Act passed by Parliment earlier that year.
  • Declaratory Act 1766

    Declaratory Act 1766
    This act is also known as the American Colonies Act of 1766. This act was passed at the same time as the repeal of the Stamp Act. This was yet again passed by Parliment. This decloration set down the law that lawsw passed by Great Britain were to be followed in Colonial America as well. It basically said that Parliment had full jurisdiction over the American Colonies.
  • Townshend Acts 1767

    Townshend Acts 1767
    The Townshed Acts were yet another act passed by parliment placing restrictions on Colnial America. They were named after Charles Townshed who suggested these acts. Basically these acts were created to make more profit in the colonies only to benefit the Mother country. In addition taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were also added.
  • Boston Massacre 1770

    Boston Massacre 1770
    This event happened when about five english red coats killed six unnarmed civilians. In boston Masasachustes there was a mob of of civilians taunting the British soldierrs. The soldiers procceded to openly shoot the unarmed colonists. This event was of the things that sparked the revoulution.
  • Tea Act 1773

    Tea Act 1773
    This act was the final straw for many of the colonists in America. The act was not invented to produce profit in the colonies but it was intended to surplus tea. The colonists woluld not have this and refused to unload the tea from the ships in the harbor. This situation led to the event now known as "The Boston Tea Party".
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This event was a staged political protest against the the mother country, England. Colonists from Boston, Massachusets dumped tea sent from England into the river. This was in protest to all the taxes placed upon those living in America.
  • Quebec Act 1774

    Quebec Act 1774
    This act set laws for how the province of Quebec was to be governed.This law pushed Native american boundries, guarenteed freedom of the Catholic faith, and restored the use of French Civil Law.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The 1st continental congress was held in Philadelphia, Pennslvania. Represenattives from twelve of the British American Colonies attended. Fifty five people came to the meeting and the only colony that did not have any reprsentatives was Georgia because they were hoping for help from the British because they were having problems with the Native Indians. This meeting was called in respone to the passage of the Coercive Acts.
  • Coercive Acts 1774

    Coercive Acts 1774
    These acts were also known as the Restraining Acts. They were a series of several laws placing even more restrictions on colonists living in America. Thinking that they would make an example of Massachusets they placed mant restrictions on them.
  • Battles of Lexington/Concord

    Battles of Lexington/Concord
    This event was the first military act that began the Revoulutionary War. This battle was fought near Middlesex county in the Massachusets colony which is near Boston. This battle marked the begining of actual war between the thirteen American colony and the Britishh Empire.The Red coats received intell about where the colonies were holding there guns but when they got there they found out that the colonists had already moved them. The first shots were fired in Lexington and the colonies lost.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was also geld in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This time, the meeting included delagates from all thirteen colonies. This meeting was designed to plan out war efforts for the upcoming Revolutionary War.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    This petition was made by the colonial representatives in an effort to avoid full out war against Great Britain. This petition confirmed colonial allegiance to the king. It also assured the king that they would prevent future conflict. However, the petition was dicretited by the king due to a confiscated letter found by british officials.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was written by the Continental Congress in 1776. It declared that the thirteen colonies, who were now at war with England, were no longer attached to Great Britain, but were they're own seperate states. The poeple of the Continental Congress signed this.