Manuel de Godoy (noble, político español y primer ministro de Carlos lV)
Prime Minister in November 1792, signed the peace of Basel with France (July 1795), for which he received the title of Prince of peace. Since then, Spanish foreign policy was linked to French interests: by the Treaty of San Ildefonso (August 1796) the French directory had the Spanish fleet to fight against Britain. -
Napoleón I Bonaparte (Emperador de Francia 1804-1815)
He was named Chief of artillery of the army responsible for the recapture of Toulon, a naval base with the support of Great Britain (which along with Prussia, Austria, Netherlands and Spain, following the Declaration of French war to the latter, had formed the first coalition against France in 1793). Expelled from the port to the British ships and finally retook the position. Thanks to this action, they ascended him to the grade of Brigadier at the age of 24 years old. -
José I Bonaparte (Rey de España 1808-1813)
During the Napoleonic wars, he acted as an Envoy of his brother and signed treaties with the United States, Austria, Britain and the Vatican. In 1806, Napoleon named him King of Naples, where reigned until 1808, when his brother granted him the throne of Espana.reino as José I, looking for political support from groups of Spanish illustrated, whose members were the so-called francized without make succeed the reformist program of his Government, based on the Constitution of Bayonne -
Fernando VII (Rey de España 1808-1833)
Ferdinand VII, next to the Royal family, was drawn to Bayonne to Napoleón Bonaparte, who forced him to resign from the Spanish Crown in its favour. Napoleon appointed his brother Joseph, who reigned until 1814 with the name of José I King of Spain. During the war of independence, the Council of Regency, Cortes met in Cádiz (1810) and was declared the "sole and legitimate King of the nation Spanish don Fernando VII of Bourbon", as well as null and without effect the transfer of the Crown in favou -
Rafael Maroto
Spanish military Carlist army chief (Lorca, Murcia, 1783 - Concon, Chile, 1847). He fought in the War of Independence (1808-14) and in the Spanish attempts to preserve Peru and Chile during the wars of emancipation of the American colonies. He returned to the Peninsula, and as a general in 1825, and was appointed military governor of Toledo. -
Motin de Aranjuez
The Mutiny of Aranjuez was an uprising occurred on March 17-18, 1808 in the streets of this town Madrid. It triggered due to several causes, including the consequences of the defeat of Trafalgar which fell mainly in the lower classes. To this must be added the discontent of the nobility, impatience for reign of Fernando VII, the action of the officers of Napoleon and the intrigues of the Court, where opposition was creating a core around the Prince of Asturias, the future Ferdinand VII. -
Charles IV (King of Spain)
Increased the disrepute of Godoy, Prince Fernando won against the Government of his father, he requested that he resign, thus producing the mutiny of Aranjuez in March 1808, in which Carlos IV abdicated and Godoy was imprisoned. Carlos told Napoleon that he mediate to regain the throne that his own son had usurped him. It was may 2, 1808; the war against the French presence in Spain had begun, was the war of independence. -
Baldomero Espartero
Military and Spanish politician (Granátula, Ciudad Real, 1793 - Logroño, 1879). The son of a wheelwright of La Mancha, adopted the last name of his father (his full name would Baldomero Fernandez Alvarez Espartero). At the outbreak of the War of Independence (1808-1814) left an ecclesiastical career and took up arms. Since 1810 in Cadiz remained besieged by the French, which was developing the Constituent Assembly, began his studies there military. -
Constitucion de 1812
The Constitution was adopted in the context of the War of Independence (1808-1814), and was the Spanish people's response to the intentions of Napoleon Bonaparte invasive, drawing dynastic problems between Carlos IV and Fernando VII, aspired to be in Spain a monarchy satellite empire, as he had done with the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, dethroning the Bourbons and crowning his brother Joseph Bonaparte. But the response of the citizens, punctuated by events like the Mutiny of Aranjuez. -
Tomás de Zumalacárregui. (Militar español)
He excelled in the war of independence (1808-1814), in which was made with the rank of captain. In 1820, at the beginning of the Liberal triennium was away from the service accused of absolutist. After the absolutist restoration (1823) it was part of a military Commission for the Suppression of political crimes. When Fernando VII died in 1833, he joined the cause of the pretender Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, and organized the Carlist army of the North. -
Carlos Mª Isidro de Borbón
First suitor of the Carlist branch on the throne of Spain. He was born March 29, 1788 in Madrid. Second son of King Carlos IV and María Luisa de Parma. The enactment by the pragmatic sanction in March 1830 Fernando VII, which repealed the Salic law of 1713 prevented reign women and punished the courts law of 1789 in matters of succession, had involved a dynastic conflict between supporters of the infante don Carlos and the defenders of the legitimacy of his niece. -
Mª Cristina de Borbón. ( Reina y regente de España)
He was Regent of Spain, between 1833 and 1840, during a part of the minority of age of his daughter Queen Isabella II of Spain and Queen of Spain for her marriage to King Fernando VII in 1829. His daughter and heir to the throne was only 3 years old and acted as Regent of the Kingdom during the next seven years, until 1840. During this time it made necessary social contributions, as the aid which procured the Huelva coast in 1834 after a cholera epidemic. -
Ramón Cabrera y Griñó
Spanish Carlist General and first Earl of Morella.Uno of realistic volunteers who refused to disarmament by the Decree of November 25, 1833. Took refuge in the Maestrazgo, province of Castellón, it was who proclaimed King to the infante don Carlos María Isidro. Unified the guerrillas and Carlos V named him General Commander of the Carlist army in el Maestrazgo. It did not accept the Convention of Vergara, retiring to France and then to England. -
Constitución de 1837
With the Constitution of 1837 and the subsequent victory over the Carlists, liberal political system was definitively established. Against the absolutism, the new political system established equality before the law and political participation of citizens. In the interpretation of these rights and their realization in concrete policy was which defined the two basic parties of the second third of the nineteenth century. -
Leopoldo O'Donnell (Político y militar español)
First count of Lucena for his victory over the Carlists in the first Carlist War, to help this population being captain general of Aragon, Valencia and Murcia (1839); first Duke of Tetuan by their conquest in the war of Africa (1859-1860). He took part in the pronouncement of Vicálvaro (the Vicalvarada of 1854) against the Government of the conde de San Luis, after which launched the manifesto of Manzanares, which attracted a large part of the army and the civilian population. -
Juan Prim y Prats. Militar y político español, presidente del gobierno (1869-1870)
He won fame during the first Carlist War. After, he was elected progressive Deputy for Tarragona (1841). By Baldomero Espartero took up arms in military Governor 1843.Fue of Barcelona and later captain general of Puerto Rico (1847-1848). Reinstated to Parliament he was advocate of protectionism to the Catalan industry.Captain general of Granada during the progressive biennium (1855-1856).Next to the Liberal Union, in 1856 he became lieutenant general and was named Senator. -
Constitucion de 1845
The Spanish Constitution of 1845 was the supreme law effective during the reign of Isabel II, which replaced the 1837 Constitution supreme law during his minority. The Constitution of 1845 was in force until the proclamation of the Spanish constitution of 1869, although there were several attempts to replace it in 1852 and during the progressive biennium (1854-1856). It was the Spanish doctrinaire constitutional expression. -
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Politician, historian and Spanish writer.He collaborated in the drafting of the manifesto of Manzanares (1854), political program of the coup staged by general Leopoldo O'Donnell.He held positions with the Governments of Liberal Union and during the revolution of 1868 remained neutral.After the successive failures of the Democratic presidential term (1868-1874), he designed a system of concordia, inclusive of all the disillusioned with the revolution, under the dynasty Alfonso Borbonica. -
Vicalvarada 1854
The pronouncement Vicalvarada was a "progressive" military, led by General Leopoldo O'Donnell and Sweet Sunday against the moderate government. Consequence of the coup ended the decade moderate progressives gain power (1854-1856), which is called the progressive biennium. The uprising occurred on June 28, 1854, troops of the rebels face the government in Vicálvaro (town near Madrid). -
Nicolas Salmerón Alonso
He was born on April 10, 1838 in Alhama de Seca, Almería. The son of a doctor, studied high school at the Secondary School of Almería. He studied Philosophy and Law in 1863 as opposed winning professor of Universal History from the University of Oviedo, yet they remained in Madrid and in 1866 he became professor of philosophy at the Central University and three years later the Metaphysical 1869, a chair he held until his death. -
Contitucion de 1869
Triumphant Revolution of 1868, elections were held for a Constituent Assembly, celebrated on January 15, 1869, [1] [2] in which dominated the winning parties in the revolution, as progressives reached 160 seats, the Liberal Union 80 and Democrats 40. Also got large number of deputies Republicans, 80, were in the minority and the Carlists, 36. -
Elisabeth II (Queen of Spain)
Elizabeth II went into exile in France, where he received the protection of Napoleón III and Eugenia de Montijo; on June 25, 1870 he abdicated in Paris in favour of his son, the future Alfonso XII. Meanwhile, thanks to the support of various groups in the Government, the Prince Amadeo de Saboya, Member of the Italian royal family, was elected to replace her on the throne as Amadeo I of Spain. Elizabeth II was the first Republic and the reign and witness the death of his son Alfonso XII in 1885. -
Amadeo de Saboya (Rey de España 1870-1873)
He was elected King of Spain after being dethroned by Isabel II. Proclaimed by the courts, in November 1870, and formally accepted by the Crown, he swore the Constitution in Madrid on January 2, 1871. His arrival coincided with the murder of Juan Prim, his main supporter.Forced to sign the dissolution of the body of gunners, he announced his abdication to the Spanish Crown (1873). His message to the courts defined how unruly Spaniards. -
Primera República Española 1873
Political system in Spain proclaimed February 11, 1873, a day after the abdication of D. Amadeo of Savoy, in his name and that of his heirs, which lasted until the uprising led by the Earl of Balmaseda and General Martinez Campos, on December 29, 1874, which opened the way to the period known in the history of contemporary Spain and Restoration. The First Republic, however, is contextualized within the period known as the revolutionary Sexenio that began in 1868. -
Alfonso XII (Rey de España 1875-1885)
In the year 1870, his mother abdicated in his favor. The pronouncement of general Martínez Campos in Sagunto on 29 December 1874 precipitated his return to Spain. The first problem of his reign will be the Third Carlist War. After successive Carlist disasters (Olot, Valencia, Estella), Alfonso XII was recognized as legitimate King by the Carlist military Ramón Cabrera on 11 February 1875. The peace of Zanjón (1878) had just at the moment the war of Cuba. -
Arsenio Martínez Campos
Military and Spanish politician, President of the Government (1879). On December 29, 1874 in Sagunto (Valencia), proclaimed Alfonso XII King of Spain. In 1876 he ended the third and last Carlist War and was promoted to captain general. Back in Cuba, he signed with separatists the peace of Zanjón (1878). -
General Manuel Pavia
Manuel Pavia and Rodriguez de Alburquerque (Cádiz, August 2, 1827 - Madrid, January 4, 1895). Spanish general whose coup ended the First Republic General Pavia held such a blow, not only for his political leanings, but also known for his friendship with Elizabeth II. He participated in the uprising Villarejo (1866)
After the coup, Pavia calls on all political parties except cantonalistas and Carlists to form a government of national concentration.