Spain naval power
started to declain -
War of the Spanish succession
the war started -
War of the succession
The war ended -
Spain Population
During this year Spain recovered and it`s population started to increase -
Bourbon reforms
were applied during the regin of King Charles III -
Carlos III
He started ruling and applied a series of changes in the goverment way of the Spain colonies that were the Bourbon Reforms -
Jose de Galves
This visitor was sent to New Spain to put into practice the Reforms -
Mexican Library
The first wrote "Mexican Library" -
Independence of the 13 Colonies.
The 13 British colonies got their independence. -
Miners Consulate
Was stablished the Special Court for the Miners Consulate -
The year of hunger
300000 people die ´cause epidemics -
Independence and then Constitution
The 13 English Colonies got their independence and the Republican goverment -
French Revolution
This event started. -
First population census of New Spain.
The viceroy Revillagigedo ordered the census -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He proclaim himself French emperor -
Napoleon`s troops to Spain
This troops entered to Spain and put King Carlos IV in an untenable situation. -
Held in Valladolid was discovered and its participants were imprisioned -
Miguel Hidalgo had planned to begin the insurrections but was discovered and had to anticipate the uprising -
Against the colonial Government
Hidalgo started all this movement the night with a shaout -
Alhondiga de Granaditas
Hidalgo, Aldama, Abasolo and others leaders were prisioned and then executed, bur their heads were put in the Alhondiga de Granaditas so all the people could saw them -
Constitution of Cadiz
The constitution was written and established a contitutional monarchy as a form of gevernment -
Joseph Bonaparte
he was King of spain since 1808 until 1813 and was proclaim King thanks to his brother -
Congres of Chimpancingo
Feelings of teh nation whic morelos read is which the constitution of Apatzingan is based -
Royalist army
Capture Morelos and was sentenced to death -
Insurgent movement
Was virtually dossilved -
Fernandi VII
accepted the Constitution and become a Constitutional Monarchy -
The las Viceroy of Spain
The Teatry of Cordoba was signed -
Mexico Independence
The Trigarante army entered to Mexico city as an act of the consumation of the Independence