2001 BCE
wars in iraq and afghanistan
Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
October 7 2001 December 28 2014
United states personnel arw withdrawing form the countrty ending over a decade of fighting
As the united states departs Iraq after more than eight years of war occupation the stepped up use of remote tatics and light footprint special operation forces -
1990 BCE
Trojan War
8th century BCE-13th century BCE
Believed that troy was located near the Dardanelles
The purpose of the tojan war was when Queen Helen of sparta by the trojan pricne
The Greeks won !!;The main cause of the trojan war because when paris was the judge of a beaty contest it came down to the three goddesses;Athena and hera, Aphrodite
Odysseus,Aenea,Diomedos,Achille,Patroclus,Nestor,Hecuba,Protesilaus -
1990 BCE
Persian Gulf War
Persian Gulf War
August 2,1990;Febaury 28;1991
Mediterranean sea in western sea
The conflict between Iraq and a coalititon force of 34 nations mandated ;It lead up to the invasion of kuwait in august 1990
The gulf war showed that natural resources could be a weapon;The U.S the maximum with an estimated financial expenditure
Izzat Ibranhimal-Douri;Hosni Mubarak;Michel Roquejeoffre;
Musafa Tiass;Margaret Thatcher;Salah Aboud Mahmoud -
1979 BCE
Afghan-Soviet War
Afghan-Soviet War
December 25, 1979 - Febuary 15, 1989
Afghanistan;Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
In december 1979 in the midst of the cold war the soviet 40th Army invaded in order to prop up the communist
Soviet faliure to quell the afghan mujahiden insurgency geneva accord
Ahmad shah Massoud,Abdul haq,Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev -
1955 BCE
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
November 1 1955 -April 30 1975
Vietman,South Vietnam,Cambodia,North Vietnam,Loas,South Asia
The North Vietnamese government and the Viet Cong were Fighting to reunify Vietnam.
North Vietnamese victory withdrawl of American-led forces Indochina communist governments take power in south Vietnam,Laos and cambodia South Vietnam is annexed by Northern Veinam -
1950 BCE
Korean War
Korean War
June 25,1950-July 27,1953
Korea;Korean Peninsula; Korean Demilitarized Zone
Domino theory-china turned communist in 1949 and Truman feared that the next domino would be japan
The Korean War impacted on Rural Life , The U.S Army had fewer than 600,000 soldiers and half of them were based in the states
Matthew Ridgway,Harry S.Truman;United Staes;Mark W.Clark;United States;Chung ll-kwon;South Korea;Peng Dehuai;china;Kim chaek;North Korea -
1948 BCE
Arab-Israiel War
Arab-Israiel Wars
May 15 1948
Israel,Palestine,Mandatory Palestine,Sinai Peninsula
As a result of Israels victory in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War any Arabs caught on the wrong side of the ceasefire line were unable to return to their homes in what became Israel
The change was their independence
Yaakov Dori;John Bagot Glubb;Mohammed Naguib;Saad Haddad;Antoine lahad;Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni;Yitzhak Rabin;Ariel sharon;Yigael Yadin:Hasan Salama;Moshe Dayan -
1947 BCE
Cold War
Cold War
United States,Soviet Union,Europe,Vietnam,Cuba ,Korea,Greece,South America ,East Asia
The cold war was a state of political and military tension after world war ll between powers in western bloc and powers in eastern bloc
The cold war ended up affecting by having wars erupt within them it affected veitnam Korea Afghanistan
General ford,Dwight D Eisenhower,Yasser Arafat,Ching Kaishek,Hun Sen,Heng Samrin -
1870 BCE
Franco-Prussian War
Franco-Prussian War
July 19,1870-May 1871
France, Kingdom of Prussia
the causes of the Franco-Prussian War are deeply rooted in the events surrounding the German Unification
The war marked the end of french hegemony in continental europe and resulted in the creation of a unified Germany
Frederick ll-German Emperor,Fracois Achille Bazaine,Helmuth von Moltke the Elder,Patrice de MacMahon, -
1485 BCE
war of the roses
War of the Roses
England ,
Pale of Calais
War of the roses came into common use in the nineteenth century, The major leaders are Richard of York,3rd Duke of York , Richard Neville,6th Earl of Warwick,Richard lll of England -
1341 BCE
Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian war
April 25 431 bce
Sicily,Ancient Greece
Democratic Reforms of cleisthenes which sparta always opposed
The transfer in hegemony domination in greece from athens to sparta -
264 BCE
Punic War
Sicily,Sardina,Mediterranean Sea, North Africa
The punic wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage;Hamilcar Barca,Hasdurbal the fair,Xanthippus of carthage,Hanno the great,.It was fought over land .
Romans,Inslaved the entire population and burned down the city
The Major Leaders were Hailcar Barca his sons Hasdrubal and Hannibal,Scipio Africanus adopted grandson Scipio Aemilianus -
hundred years war
Hundred Years War
France , Low Countries
Because he wanted to rule both countries but he couldnt and he didin´t want to be ruled by an English Monarch
Farmlands were laid waste the population was decimated by war famine and the black death
King Edward ,King,the black prince-son of Edward lll, King Henry lV,King Henry V,King Henry Vl -
French-Indian War
French and Indian War
North America
They were fighting for the control of much of north america
France cedes New France east of the Mississippi River to Great Britian retaining Saint Pierre and Miquelon and transfers loiusianna to spain
Jeffery Amherst,George Wshington,Michel-Ange Duquesne de Menneville,Joseph Coulon de Jumoville,George Monro,James Abercrombie -
Sino-Japanese War
Sino-Japanese War
August 1,1894-April 17,1895
Taiwan,Korea,Manchuria,Yellow Sea
Japan;Primarly wanting to take over korea
Japan victory A significant loss of prestige for the Qing Empire
Song Qing,Ding Ruchang -
July 28 1914 , November 11 1918
Africa,Middle East, Asia, Pacific Ocean
The whole purpose of WWI is that the immediate cause of the aasination of Franz Ferdinand
The outcome of wwi it changed economicaly;The Allied Powers defeated the Central Powers
William ll;Emperor of Germany Czar Nicholas ll;Russia George CLemenceau;FranceWood Wilson; David Lloyd :Great Bitian -
September 1 1939 September 2 1945
Russia,Europe,Africa,Pacif ocean, Asia
Japan needs to dominate natural resources in asia
It changed everyday uses Food,gas,clothing
Wladyslaw Anders;Poland;George S.Patton;Adolf Hitler;Nazi Germany;Benoito Mussolini;Italy;Harry S.Truman -
Persian Wars
Greece,Egypt,Ancient Greece
When the Athens aided Greek city-states in Asia Minor in rebelling aginst the Persian Empire a conflict began that became known as the Persian Wars
Greece;The Greeks were able to regroup
Darius;Xerxes;Greece;Athenians 500-479 BC