Jamestown Was the 1st permanant english settlement in the americas. -
Founding of the house of burgesses
This was an early form of representative government in north america. the virginia house of burgesses elected their officials. -
Pilgrims land on plymouth rock
The french and indian war
This is the start of the 7 year war between the french and the Brittish.(1754-1763). afterwards, weapons and ammunition were left behind that later aided the american colonists to gain independence from brittain -
End of the french and indian war
The Stamp act
The stamp act is one of the acts that the brittish published which added to our frustraition with britain. "no taxation without representation!" -
The Battles of Lexington & Concord
The Battle of Lexington Was Know as "the Shot heard around the world". these were the first two battles of the american revolutionary war. -
Signing of the Decloration of Independence
This was the document that we sent to king george the 3rd, declaring the colonists independence from brittain. -
The Battle Of Saratoga
This Was the turn in the war in the patriots favor. -
Valley forge
This was around the change in the war, the patriots set up camp on december 19th 1777 and left around june 19th 1778.during this time the patriots trained with the french to turn the tides of the revolutionary war. -
End of Valley forge
The Batlle of Yorktown
This Was important because This is the battle in which the American Colonists won independence from Brittain -
Ratification of the Constitution
The Constitution fixed the problems of the articles of confederation and with the addition of the bill of rights it set up the govermental system we have today. -
Election of George washington As the first president of the united states
1st presidentioal elect of the united states of america -
The ratification of the bill of rights
these were a list of amendments to the original constitution to settle the arguements between the federalists and the anti federalists -
The War of 1812
this was brittains attempt to invade north america it lasted from June 18th 1812- febuary 18th -
Writting of the national anthem
The Civil War
The civil war was fought over states rights, tarriffs, and slavery.the civil war was fought between april 12 1861- april 9 1865 -
Emancipation proclamation
An adress made by president licoln that freed the slaves -
End of the civil war
World War II Begins
WIth the German invasion of Poland on this day, World War II begins. -
The end of World War ll
The fall of Twin Towers