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pigeons used during war to deliver messages -
NCSS is Founded
Organiztion and structure is implemented for the better teaching of social studies. YAY! -
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Great Depression 1929 – 1932
Social Studies was not as importnt, peole were trying to figure out how to survive -
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Adolf Hitler storming Europe, placing Jews in concentration camps. -
Pearl Harbor
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Korean War
Communisim in China -
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Civil Rights
The fight to end segregation and the mistreatment of African Americans. -
First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia)
Russia sends satellite into space, many question its purpose -
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many question as to why we were in this war -
First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin, Russia)
Beat the U.S. sending a man into space. -
First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA)
First man ever from the United States to the moon. -
President Nixon getting into trouble -
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N.C.L.B. mandate in schools
Puts a strain on education. -
World Trade Center Attacks
World Trade Center attacks in New York City.