Launch of ARPANET
ARPANET is a small network of computers organized to share scientific data between educational and military institutions. "ARPANET" refers to "Advanced Research Projects Agency Network". -
The First Email
The first email was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson across the ARPANET network. -
The First Online Game
Early net pioneers adapted a version of the game Maze War for use on ARPANET in 1974, awarding it the title of first online game. -
Spam Email
The first spam email is sent on May 3rd, 1978, over ARPANET. Gary Thuerk was the marketing manager at Digital Equipment Company and sent the first spam email ever — a message trying to sell computers. -
Creation of the GIF
On June 15, 1987, Steve Wichita invents the first GIF of a picture of a plane and calls it 87a. The GIF allowed people to create compressed animations using timed delays. -
Introducing the World Wide Web
Computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee explains a blueprint for the internet; he creates technologies that form the foundation of the internet we use today. -
The First Search Engine
Archie, the world's first internet search engine, was created by Alan Emtage in 1990. Archie makes it much easier to identify specific files on the rapidly expanding world wide web. Also in 1990, the world's first website goes live. -
The Web Goes Worldwide
CERN changes its web source code to public domain, free for anyone to access. Now anyone who wants to learn can create a server or website. -
World Wide Web Standards
The goal was to enable web access to everyone. -
Period: to
Social Media Goes Mainstream
SixDegrees.com introduces user profiles, friend groups, and other features that will become standard among other social media outlets in the future. -
The First Smartphone
Smartphones took the functionality of PDAs to the next level with cellular internet connectivity where people could purchase a handheld device that acts as a computer. -
Pop-Up Advertisements
Ethan Zuckerman created a feature of the freshly released JavaScript web language that allows online advertisers to create pop-up ads. He later apologizes for creating such a nuisance for Internet users:
https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaymcgregor/2014/08/15/the-man-who-invented-pop-up-ads-says-im-sorry/?sh=47ef74b04ebe -
The Birth of Netflix
Netflix is a subscription-based American streaming platform that would allow users to watch a variety of television and movies without advertisements, whenever they wish. The company was founded in 1997 in California. Netflix became increasingly popular and dominated the streaming platform industry. -
Google Founded
Google was founded on September 4, 1998, in California. It would go on to become the most popular search engine and one of the most successful companies worldwide. -
Wi-Fi Welcomed
A group of tech companies forms the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. -
The Broadband Revolution
Broadband use surpasses dial-up internet usage in 2005 for the first time in history. -
iPhone Released
Apple revolutionizes the way phone users access the internet when they introduce the first iPhone; the success of the iPhone would skyrocket over the next two decades. First official iPhone advertisement:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bvfs4ai5XU -
Internet in Space
NASA successfully tests the internet in space via DTN software. -
Social Media Becomes a Tool of Dissent
The Arab Spring shows the world that social media sites like Facebook can be used to organize digital movements efficiently. -
The First Instagram Post
The first Instagram post was made by Kevin Systrom, former CEO of Instagram, in 2010. The post was on his personal account and the photograph contained a picture of his dog.
https://www.instagram.com/p/C/?hl=en -
Machine Learning Grows
The internet becomes fast enough, computers smart enough, and data large enough to make digital learning practical. -
Smartphones Everywhere
For the first time, the majority of American adults own a smartphone. Smartphone ownership is the largest among young adults. -
Smart Speakers & Virtual Assistants
After Apple's SIRI is embedded in smartphones and used widely, virtual assistants become more popular as smart speakers like the Google Home and Amazon Echo come on the market. -
Online Learning
Due to the pandemic causing schools to shut down and students to resume learning online, schools relied on programs such as Zoom to stream classes live and stay connected.