Jan 1, 1400
The dark ages started.
All the country in the world expeat europe was deveolping that was the europin dark ages. -
Sep 19, 1500
hydrogen discoverd by H,cavendish
Phosphours was discoverd
In 1669 Phosphours was found by H.brand -
cobalt was discoverd in 1732 the person who discoved it was G.brandt
platnium was discoverd in by A. de ulloa
oxgen was discoverd by W.Scheele
sodium discoverd by H.davey
Boron was discoverd by L.gay -lussac and lj.thenard
flourine was discoverd by A-m.AMPERE
Aluminium by h.c.orsted
helium was discoved by P.jannssen and N.lockery
lithium was discoverd by 1871
neon was discoverd by w.Ramsay W. travers
The cold war between America and russia.
The america and russians were fight to who will reach the moon first and creat more human made elements.