Chalk Boards was Introduced
Chalk Boards are cheaper, requires no special care beter writing, the disadvangtaes are can cause dust and you cannot store the ifnormation. -
Hand Held calculator was invented
Help student to solve math questions efficently and quickly how ever student can rely on calculators and struggle in basic maths. -
First film projector
This is used to project films so this can make student more enaged with the lessons and make it more intresting. The disadvantage it could also be distracting for students and does not make them think or use their brains -
Over head projectors was used in classrooms
its a slide projector and displays images on the board. -
Scantron machines was introduced
machine readable forms which nmark students mutiple questions from students -
First Computer was found in a classroom
a electric device to store information and also can be interactivre for students but also could be a distraction and can be expensive. -
Graphing calculator became popular
it is used to plot graphs, solving equations and other tasks -
clickers was made for university
they are clickers sometimes called classroom response system -
classes started using ipads
ipad are touch screen tablets made by Apple , it works without a keyboard. -
Interactive Whiteboards was invented
But not popular, they enaged students more into the clasroom. make the lessons fun and get them invloved into the lesson. helps them develop and enaged more with ict.