
History of technology

  • 9999 BCE

    Use of bones and stones

    Use of bones and stones
    Homo habilis, first hominid inventor, develops the
    stone carving technology to obtain edges
    sharp. The first stones were carved by a
    face chopper calls the ones that happened
  • 3500 BCE


    prehistory, is the period from the
    appearance of homo habilis until the development of
    writing. Based on the different techniques and / or
    materials used by man, Prehistory can be
    divide into three large periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and
  • 2000 BCE

    The Wheel

    The Wheel
    arisen around 3500 B.C. in
    Mesopotamia, on a potter's wheel. It was
    of a modest clay disc drilled in the center. The first wheels were solid discs. To him 2000 B.C. appeared in Mesopotamia the first 2 and cars wheels where the solid form it was replaced by radios, diminishing enormously His weight. The wheel supposed
    a great
  • 476 BCE

    Development of mechanics and architecture

    Development of mechanics and architecture
    The period between s. IV BC and the year 476 A.D.
    characterized by the rise of the machines and the
    architecture, highlighting catapults, slabs,
    gear wheels, crank, pulleys, lifting lathe,
    Archimedes hydraulic screw, aqueducts,
    the roads, the dome, sanitation facilities and and
    heating, public toilets, bridges, circuses ....
  • 1440

    The Print

    The Print
    Johannes Gutenberg developed a
    most durable, economical method, capable of performing
    large runs, based on metal types. It is a mechanical method intended to reproduce texts and images on paper, fabric or other materials.
  • Steam machine

    Steam machine
    In the steam engine you
    produces the transformation of heat energy in
    kinetic (mechanical) energy, which can be used
    to propel ships, trains, mechanisms of
    different machines ... etc. The first machine of
    Steam, the work of Thomas Newcomen, dates from the year
    1712. Between 1765 and 1784, the Scottish engineer James
    Watt perfected this machine, specifically to
    shrink water from coal mines.
  • Computer

    It is a digital machine that executes commands to convert them into convenient and useful data that revolutionized in the era of technology and prevails today.
    Invention: in 1833 by Konrad Zuse (But the first functional was in 1947)
  • Internet (Wifi)

    Internet (Wifi)
    A medium that allows the connection of computers, offers several tools that currently allow to exchange information (text messages, audio, video, images and / or files) between two or more people.
    Invention: 1962 by United States military