History of Special Education Timeline

  • Brown vs. Board Of Education

    Brown vs. Board Of Education
    Brown vs. Board of Education was a case that had made its way to the supreme court. This legistration mandated that it was unconstitutional to segregate schools based on race. With segregation it breached the 14th amendment and created inequality. Throughout this case it established the inequality in the education system and allowed area for more acts to be created.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    The elementary and secondary education act had accomplished closing the seperation between the higher and lower income students. The federal government took a stand for educational equity breaking down barriers and promoting equal opportunities for all sudents. The ESEA has provided programs that have improved educational outcomes.
  • Head Starts Programs

    Head Starts Programs
    Head Start was a program that was created to assist low income students with services that allows them to meet their needs. The Head Start program has made a difference in the school sysytem and has prepared students for school. It has allowed families to be more engaged and included through out their childs education.
  • Education of the Handicapped Act

    Education of the Handicapped Act
    Through this act the government gauranteed equitable access to public education for students with disabilities alongside specialized support programs to foster their education success. By mandating free and appropriate public education coupled with the opportunity for special education evaluation, this act empowered educators to personalize learning and empower every child to reach their full potential. It gaurenteed special education programs for teachers to learn how to fully assist students.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    Organizations receiving federal financial assistance must adhere to strict non-discrimination policies, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities and benefits. This act opened doors to a wider range of professions for disabled individuals, empowering them to participate more fully in the workforce. It has explained the appropriate education that is implemented for the students to have greater success.
  • Individualized Education Program

    Individualized Education Program
    The Individualized Education Program is required for the students to build an appropriate educational plan that meets the needs of each student. The framework of the IEP is to better assist the teacher, student and family with assisting the child in their daily education. There is a proccess in which is executed for recieving the most beneficial decision making for the students accomadations.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The ADA was created to allow people with disabilities opportunities to be more inclusive with the community and social aspect. People with disabilities are able to work in the work force and use transportation. Americans with Disabilities Act allowed mainstreaming, that people who have disabilities no longer had to feel unincluded.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The IDEA has led to the development of innovative teaching methods and assistive technologies that benefit all learners. This act had opened many new programs for teachers to educate the students with effectiveness. Autisim and traumatic brain injury were added to the categories of disablilities. Some of the programs that are provided is Child Find, Due Proccess, Least Restrictive Enviroment, Zero Reject and Nondiscriminatory Evaluation.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act was a revision of the ESSA, it contributed to improving students who were not showing improvement. State assessments were created to see the performance of the students and enhance their performance. The NCLB offers funds to assist students with different federal funds that they can access.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    This act is similiar to the No Child Left Behind act but has more flexability in the sense of improving students to succeed. The accountablitlity is changed from federal and allows more control from the local and state aspect. College readiness is provided from this act to better ensure a greater outcome from students.