Massachusetts prohibits imigration of disabled people
People deemed "lame, impotent, or infirm persons, or those inapable of supporting themselves". -
Bellevue Hospital Opens
Inhumane condition s in its psychiatric facilities. -
Pennsylvania Hospital
First to create a special section for treatment of mental illness and mental retardation. In 1756 patients were chained to walls of the basement and put on display for a fee. -
Connecticut Asylum at Hartfor for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons
First free American school for the deaf and hearing impaired. Advocated sighn-language training in all schools. -
Braille is invented by Louis Braille. -
Mental Instituions in the U.S.
Dorothea Dix advocates for seperation of the disabled incarcerated in penitentiaries and poorhouses. -
Coined by Sir Francis Galton. Science of imiproving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. -
Documented Exclusion of Students with Disabilities - Massachusetts
Excluded for being "so weak in the mind as to not derive any mared benefit from instruction" (Watson v. City of Cambridge). -
Eugenics Laws - Conneticut
First eugenic marriage law to prevent the "epileptic, imbecile or feeble-minded" from marrying. -
Eugenics Law - Indiana
First state to pass a forced sterilization law. -
Documented Exclusion of Students with Disabilities - Wisconsin
A 13- year-old with normal intelligence, but phyical disabilities "produced a depressing and nauseating effect upo the teachers and school children" (Beattie v. Board of Education). -
Eugenics Law - Buck V Bell
The court rules in favor of forced sterilization of the "feeble-minded". -
Education of Students with Disablities
Only 12 % of all children with disabilities received some form of education. -
Education of Students with Disablities
By the early 1950's, education services and programs were available in some school districts, but often ineffective. Students in special classes were considered unable to perform academic tasks. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Racial discrimination suit. Court ruled that it was illegal practice under the 14th amendment to discriminate against any group of people. Seperate education for African American students is not an equal education. Brown set the statge for furture discrimination cases. Council for Exceptional Children and the National Association for Retarted Citizens challenged school policies and filed court cases to change policies that excluded children with disablilities. -
Documented Exclusion of Students with Disabilities - Nevada
Excluded students whose "physical or mental condidtions or attitude is such as to render inadvisable his atendance at school or his application to study". -
Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Health Center Construction Act
President Kennedy asked for the reduction of the number of persons confined to residential institutuions. Asked to find ways to reintegrated those released back into the community. -
Civil Rights Act
Outlaws discrimination based on race. Framework for disability rights legislation. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
First federal law mandating federal funds to education. Goals included improving education opportunities for disadvantaged children (Title I). Provided funds to public education for professional development, instructional materials, parental involvement promotion, and other educational programs. -
Diana Vs. State Board of Education
Children cannot be placed in special education based onculturally biased test. Children to be tested in native language. -
Documented Exclusion of Students with Disabilities - Alaska
Excluded students with "bodily or mental condidtions rendering attendance inadvisable." -
Mills vs. Board of Education
Established the right to education for students with disabilities, and found that denial of education violates the 14th Amendment. Included free appropriate education, an Individualized Education Program and due process procedures. Failure to provide a public education "cannot be excused by the claim that there are insufficient funds". -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Requires school districts to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to qualified students who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Ensures students of equal opportunity to all school activities. Protects students against discrimintation in federally funded programs. -
Documented Exclusion of Students with Disablities - Virginia
Excluded children who were "physically or mentall incapacitated for school work". -
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) Public Law 94-142
Set forth procedural safeguards for children with disabilities and their parents. This law outlined the entire foundation upon which current special education practices rest. Purposes are FAPE for children from 5-22 years old, extensive evaluation, written permission from parents, trieenial re-evaluation, IEP written, parents informed of due processes. The six principles of IDEA. -
Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central school District vs. Rowley
The first special education Supreme Court case. The parents lost in the Supreme Court and it set the standard for what is a Free Appropriate Public Education. Provided children with disabilities access to public schools that also provided a "basic floor of opportunity". -
Amendments to EHA (IDEA)
Proveded federal funding for parent training to learn how to protect the rights gauranteed to their child. Provided financial incentives to expand services for children from birth to age 3. Added requirement for transition services from school to adult living for students with disabilities. -
Amdendments to EHA (IDEA)
Extended services to children with disabilities, ages 3-5. Established Early Intervention Programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities, ages 0-2. Provided year-round services if a child has severe regression during the summer months. -
Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA
Protects all individuals with disabilities from being diescriminated against in all environments. Employers to provide resonable accommodations in the workplace to individuals with disabilities. Students enrolled in colleges and universities are entitled to appropriate modifications in classes -
IDEA Reautorization
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) became The Individuals with Disabilities Education act (IDEA). Required students have a transistion plan by 16 years of age. Added social work and rehabilitation counseling as servises. Autism and traumatic brain injury were added as disablilty categories. Wording was changed to Person First languuage from "children" to "individuals" and "handicapped" to "student with disabilities". -
ESEA Reauthorization 1994 Improving America's Schools ACT
IASA was introduced under President Bill Clinton. IASA provides extra help to disadvantaged students, charter schools, safe and drug-free schools, increases in bilingual and immigrand education funding and education technology programs. -
IDEA Reautorization 1997
To improve the effectiveness of special education by requiring demonstratable improvements in the educational achievement of students with disablilities. The reautorization added ten chenges to the previous law regarding discipline, participation in the general education curriculum and state assessments, transistion planning, assistive technoloty, related servises and structure of the IEP. -
The Individuals With Disablitites Education Improvement Act of 2004
Reauthorization of IDEA. It is now Public Law 108-6. It is still referred to as IDEA 2004 and it's name is Indivduals with Disabilities and Education Improvement Act. IDEA as had many amendments and six major principles have remained in the law throught its changes.