History of Special Education Timeline

  • 1893 Watson vs City of Cambridge

    Students who were deemed "weak in the mind" could be expelled from school.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    The supreme court ruled that public schools would not be segregated by race. This opened the door for civil rights and special education.
  • Supreme Court of IL ruling

    Students with a mental deficit are not entitled to a free public education.
  • Ammendments to the ESEA and Title VI

    This law provided federal funding to assist states to make programs lager for students with disabilities
  • Ammendmants to the ESEA, Title VI

    This act provided money to schools to train special education teachers and expanded programs for children.
  • Mills vs Board of Education

    This ruling made it unlawful to deny exceptional children access to publicly funded educational opportunities.
  • Parc vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This law provided students with retardation to attend public school with other students.
  • Congressional Investigation

    Congress set out to uncover how many children with special needs were being undeserved.
  • Section 504 0f the Rehabilitation Act

    This law provided students with retardation to attend public school with other students.
  • Education Ammendments

    They imported in the rights of PARC and Mills. This helped the special education students get a full educational opportunity.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children

    Students with disabilities were not receiving the proper education to meet their needs. And students didn’t receive educational services either.
  • Public Law 94-142

    President Ford signed into law that all children with disabilities were to receive and equal education and one free meal per day.
  • Public Law 99-147

    Public law mandating the states provide services to families with disabled children starting when they are born.
  • IDEA

    The Handicapped Act changes to IDEA and improvements were made.
  • ADA

    ADA was to combat discrimination. It ensured that students with disabilities received a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
  • IDEA

    Students with disabilities were included in the no child left behind reform and were required to participate in state mandated testing.