Brown vs Board of Education
The case was brought by Oliver Brown against the Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas. The Supreme Court ruled that African Americans had a right to equal educational opportunities and racial discrimination was unconstitutional. This paved the way for families with children with disabilities to have their voices heard in court for the rights of their disabled children to attend public schools. -
President’s Panel on Mental Retardation
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Created a panel to gather information, data, and solutions for people with intellectual disabilities. This became the catalyst for creating legislation to combat mental illness and intellectual disabilities. The panel presented 112 recommendations which paved the way for the new legislation. -
Center Academy
Center Academy is a full-day school that specializes in the education of learning disabled students in the state of Florida. It is a private school with a focus on students in grades 4th through 12th. Center Academy is a private school created by Dr. Mack Hicks. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
This law asserts that any private organization receiving federal funds cannot discriminate against persons with disabilities. The act also defines handicapped person. It defines what appropriate education is and prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities. -
Educational Amendments Act
The acts provided federal funds to states to create programming for exceptional learners. It also provided the first federal funding for gifted and talented student programs. The act granted students and families the right to due process when it came to special education placement of the student. -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
The EAHCA is otherwise know as the mainstreaming law. Requires states to provide a free and appropriate public for children with disabilities age 5 to 18. First law that defined least restrictive environment allowing children with disabilities to be taught in classrooms with non-disabled children. -
Disability Rights Florida
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Disability Rights Florida was founded by the state to protect and advocate for people with disabilities. It was created to ensure access to healthcare, housing, education, and more. It is a non-profit organization that provides access to legal and advocacy services for adults and children. -
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
This act requires states to extend free and appropriate education to children with disabilities ages 3 to 5 years. The act also provides early intervention services for infants and toddlers who have disabilities from birth through age 2. The act provides grants to families to obtain educational services for their disabled children. -
Individuals w/ Disabilities Education Act
Education for All Handicapped Children Act was renamed IDEA in 1990. The act requires schools to find and evaluate students with disabilities. Services are to be provided at no cost to the families. It covers persons from birth through age 21. The act also ensures the rights of individuals with disabilities and their families under the law. Student needs are evaluated on a case by case basis, the act states that appropriate services be provided in the least restrictive environment. -
IDEIA 2004
IDEIA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act. This law was an update to IDEA to increase federal funds for early interventions services for students who did not require special education. Procedures were put in place to prevent inappropriate labeling based or race or ethnicity. The update also allowed for IEP changes to be made in writing without having a new meeting as long as LEA and parents agreed.