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Inclusive Education

  • Less Restrictive Learning Environments

    Less Restrictive Learning Environments
    Less Restrictive Learning Environments includes the setting and the tools used to assist a child with disabilities in a general education classroom. The appropriate environment is a place where the child can learn and have the same opportunities as their peers without disabilities. The tools used can be assistive technology, a special education teacher, and an individual classroom aid.
  • IDEA

    EHA was enacted in 1975. This was the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. At first it was known as EHA but in 1990 it was changed to IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Before 1975 children with disabilities were denied the same education as regular students. Before 1975 educational authorities were noticing that segregation wasn’t only happening with race but disabilities as well. This was the start of something new for education. Because of this, IDEA was created.
  • 1980-1990 Amendments

    1980-1990 Amendments
    Between 1980-1990 there were amendments made. In 1986 states were mandated to give families and children born with disabilities the services necessary. Before this mandate children with disabilities would not get these services until they were 3 years old. In 1990 EHA was renamed IDEA and other disabilities were added to this law, like traumatic brain injury and autism. IDEA was created in hopes that all students with disabilities would receive the same education opportunities.
  • Atila Overcoming Stigma

    Atila Overcoming Stigma
    The boy who changed his community in Serbia.
    Atila was born with severely damaged limbs and doctors said he would die. He was also diagnosed with having a severe intelectual disability. After being institutionalized for about 9 years of his life, staff members from the new institution he was attending noticed that he was exceeding the expectations of his intellectual disabilities. He was soon placed with a foster family who registered him for a mainstream school. The staff at the school was..
  • Atila- Continued

    Atila- Continued
    Preparing for Atila’s arrival. Thanks to Atila’s will power, and the hard work of the staff at his school Atila soon became a model for his community. A child with disabilities who was unable read and write, began to read and write, and even speak more audibly. He has had a powerful impact on those who surround him. He was able to learn and feel like a regular student because he was given the opportunity to learn in an appropriate setting with the teachers and assistance necessary.
  • No Child Left Behind Video

    No Child Left Behind Video
  • IDEA & No Child Left Behind

    IDEA & No Child Left Behind
    In 2004 IDEA and No Child Left Behind came together to help children without diagnosed disabilities with academic problems. They gave them the support they needed to succeed. They raised the standards for special education teachers and improved educational outcomes.
    Like everything, there are pros and cons to this. No child left behind ensured that they had qualified professionals teaching kids but they focused too much on test scores and this is something that can hurt students academically.
  • 2006 intervention

    2006 intervention
    In 2006 special intervention was put in place to
    determine if certain students qualify for special education services. Special intervention ranged from modeling behaviors, to helping students overcome their academic weaknesses. Special intervention is a necessary part to ensure students meet their educational and social/emotional goals. Special education is long term and is different for each student’s individual need.
  • 2008 regulations

    2008 regulations
    In 2008 the new regulations for IDEA were the following: parental consent is necessary for continued support and services. Allocation of funds. Employment of individuals with disabilities. Parents have the right to stop or cancel any special services. Parents are their children’s number one advocate, their child’s voice, and have every right to deny any services they do not agree with. They can appeal with the state or federal court.
  • Inclusion & LRE

    Inclusion & LRE
    It’s hard to have one without the other. Inclusion goes hand in hand with LRE. From accommodating the student in the best environment possible, usual a mainstream classroom, to providing them with the services necessary to meet their needs, Inclusion and LRE are the two that make it happen. The environment and inclusion is not always a place or the mainstream classroom. Sometimes it just means the appropriate approach to help the child get to their full potential.
  • 2011 & 2013 Regulations

    2011 & 2013 Regulations
    In 2011 & 2013 regulations clarified and revised IDEA for infants and toddlers. This program was created for infants, toddlers, and their families to receive intervention services. According to ideainfanttoddler.org there are three primary reasons why early intervention is important: #1 to enhance the child’s development, #2 to provide support and assistance to the family, and #3 to maximize the child’s and family’s benefits to society.