History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timetoast

By danifiu
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Children from four states stated that segregated public schools were unequal and it deprived them of equal protection. Supreme court ruled that school segregation because of one's race was non constitutional and this was the first time that the federal government had advocated for students who had been racially profiled.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education

    Elementary and Secondary Education
    Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) was created in order to address the inequality of education for the disadvantaged students and provided them with the access to a quality education. This act was made to assist states in the “initiation, expansion, and improvement of programs and projects" for the handicapped children. No mandates were put in place in order to make us of the funds and therefore, this program did not show to help their education in the end.
  • PA Retarded Chil' vs Commonwealth

    PA Retarded Chil' vs Commonwealth
    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    This event challenged the integrity of excluding students due to their mental retardation from public education and by this the state was not allowed to "deny any mentally retarded child access to a free public program".
  • Mills vs Board Edu D.C

    Mills vs Board Edu D.C
    Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    Requirement of the state to provide "adequate alternative education services" and "prior hearing and timely review of the child's status and progress.. " The schools were required to describe the objectives, curriculum and teacher qualifications that were needed.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Congress came in with the intention that all children that had disabilities would “have a right to education, and to establish a process by which State and local educational agencies may be held accountable for providing educational services for all handicapped children.” Ultimately this law would ensure that all kids had an assess to education. The congress came up with a system of legal checks and balances that were called procedural safeguards which were placed to protect the families.
  • Hendrick School District v. Rowle

    Hendrick School District v. Rowle
    Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
    Explained the definition of what a free and appropriate public education is. Amy Rowley was a fifth grade student who was deaf and used a FM hearing aid in class. She was achieving at an appropriate level for a disabled person, because of her the court ruled to sufficient support for students to be able to benefit from a pubic institution.
  • Cedar Rapids v. Garret F

    Cedar Rapids v. Garret F
    Garret was paralyzed from the neck down in an accident when he was age 4, however his mental capacities were not harmed in the accident. He did require nursing services in order to go to his classes, the court ruled that under IDEA, all students must be provided with all the services they need in order to attend school at no extra cost.
  • Individuals w Disabilities Ed Improvement Act

    Individuals w Disabilities Ed Improvement Act
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 also known as IDEA. The first purpose of this act is to provide a type of education that meets a child's needs and to prepare that child for future employment and independent living. Another purpose is protecting the rights of the child and their parents. The special education teachers must be highly qualified in order to teach these kids.
  • Winkelman v. Parma City School District

    Winkelman v. Parma City School District
    Supreme court decides that parents have the right to pursue any IDEA claims on their behalf that would be independent of their child's. Jacob Winkelman, a six-year old autistic child from Parma, his story caused a national debate. This was important because it allowed parents to represent the interests of their special needs child in court without being represented by an attorney. https://www.oyez.org/cases/2006/05-983
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind Out, Every Student Succeeds Act In
    In 2015
    At this time the congress had removed portions of the law that included accountability, which included the requirements for highly qualified teachers. President Obama signed this law back in 2015, which replaced the law that was enacted back in 2002. The law puts a focus on improving educational outcomes. https://youtu.be/K3ymiMifLb8