First School of Special Education
Founded in 1817 as the first special ed school in the United States that initially was called the American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb. It was founded to educate students who were unable to hear. The education consisted of the core subjects. It is now called the American School for the Deaf and is located in Hartford, Ct. -
The Arc
An organization established by parents that held concerns about the education of children with special needs. The Arc supports parents and children with advocacy through federal legislation. It exists in many states with a range of groups and organizations. -
Brown V. Board of Education
U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled that separate schools for black and white children are unequal as well as unconstitutional. This case is extremely important as it was the start of many cases in which the Supreme Court would make influential societal changes and decisions. It also set a path for future legislation for individuals with disabilities. video -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
A national law that defines a handicapped person, as well as appropriate education. This law prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in federally funded programs. It gives equal opportunity to receive program benefits and services. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Known as the Mainstreaming Law that requires states to provide a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities (ages 5 to 18). It is the first defined least restrictive environment. EAHCA led to better inclusion of handicapped children. -
National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
Foundation for Children with Learning Disabilities changed its scope of work and along with it, its name to the National Center for Learning Disabilities. This foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of all those with learning and attention issues. Their goal is to see a society in which everyone has the knowledge and opportunities to succeed in life no matter their limitations. link -
Learning Disabilities Foundation of America
a tax-exempt public charity dedicated to providing funds for research and education and the promotion of public awareness of both children and adults with learning disabilities. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide support for charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes, and for the accurate identification, ongoing evaluation and complete education of, and services for, children and adults with learning disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Law that requires there be free appropriate education for eligible children with disabilities. It ensures special education and related services to these students. It includes standards relating to the discipline of disabled children, services for parents, and distribution of federal appropriations. Integration of the Education for All handicapped children act. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act was extremely influential in educational reform. NCLB was enacted to provide a framework on how to improve the performance of America’s elementary and secondary schools while also ensuring that no child is stuck in a failing school. It improved teacher quality and held standards of proficiency in math, reading, and science for all children including those with special needs. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Reforming of the initial IDEA. This act raises standards for special education licensure. It also increases federal funds to provide early intervention services to students who do not need special education or related services, as well as other things related to students with disabilities.