Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children was created by a group of educators who are determined to advance the education of students with disabilities. They are advocating for inclusion, ensuring all students reach their full potential, and leading professional educators to ensure students reach their full potential.
https://exceptionalchildren.org/about-us -
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education was an instrumental piece that would lead the way for students with disabilities to be able to attend public general education. In this case the Supreme Court ruled that students could not be segregated by race since this was not constitutional. This was the first time a court would advocate for students who were being treated unfairly.
https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/separate-but-not-equal-video -
Department of Public Welfare v. Haas
In the Supreme Court of Illinois court case of Department of Public Welfare v. Haas the court ruled that children who were considered 'mentally deficient' would not be provided with free public education. They came to this decision because they considered that children with limited capabilities would not be able to reap the benefits of a good education. Eventually things would change where students with disabilities would have equal rights. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
This act initiated the involvement of the federal government ensuring students from disadvantaged backgrounds would have access to the public education system. This act provided a grant program where states would be encouraged to create and improve programs for students with disabilities. This however did not provide a manual or clear steps to how these programs should run or how they should look like. -
Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
This case guaranteed that the state would have to provide free public education even if the child could not pay for it. Additionally, it also required the state to provide alternative educational services in which the child's progress and status would be periodically reviewed. Schools have to provide the court with objectives, teacher qualifications and curricula of supplemental services needed. https://disabilityjustice.org/right-to-education/ -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act (P.L. 93-112)
This law prevented any private agency or organization who receives federal funds to discriminate any person with disabilities solely on that basis. This made sure that agencies would have to comply with the law and provide equal opportunities. Due to this law, individuals now have equal opportunities in colleges and in the work place. http://www.projectreachonline.org/sped_laws?article_id=171 -
Honig v. Doe
This court ensured that students could not be expelled on the basis of their behavior if it was a direct component of their disability. This was favorable to students with emotional and behavior disorders who were having social and academical issues. The court ruled that the state must provide services to students with disabilities when the local school board fails to do so. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The individuals with disabilities act was originally called Education for all Handicapped Children act of 1975. IDEA was an act passed to ensure that students with disabilities would get free and appropriate education unique to each student. This would ensure students can learn in a least restrictive environment along with other students who do not have disabilities. This guarantees students will have confidentiality where only relevant staff can view documents. -
Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.
Garret was paralyzed in an accident from the neck down when he was just 4 years old but his mental capabilities were unaffected. He required nursing services while in school in order to be able to attend class. The court ruled under IDEA that the school would have to provide students with any supplemental services required to attend school with no extra charge to parents in order for students to be in a least restrictive environment with the students with no disabilities. -
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
NCLB was enacted to ensure that no child is left in a failing school while improving the performance of elementary and secondary schools. Parents are able to send children to high performing schools to guarantee students are given a fair chance. This Act requires 95% of students with disabilities to participate in assessments that are used to track the yearly progress for school- age children.