History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • PARC VS Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC VS Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    In 1971 the Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children went to court to certify that any person with mental retardation cannot be denied access to free public educational or training programs. The case settled in 1972 after the judge stated that the law denying children between the ages of 6 to 21 from receiving a public education based off of their mental status was unconstitutional. This case went on to provide a foundation for the Education for All Handicapped Children Act in 1975.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    With the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 specifically P.L. 93-112 which was created in order to protect a person with a disability from being discriminated against. This act states that a person with disabilities cannot be discriminated against because of their disability by a person or place that is receiving federal funding.
  • Creation of IEP

    Creation of IEP
    In 1975 the Education for All Handicapped Children Act introduced an IEP. An IEP is an individualized education plan which is a requirement for any student with disabilities receiving services. This plan is specific to the student and their educational needs. An IEP is a guideline for anyone working with the student, and the plan must be re-evaluated each year.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act

    Education of All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education of All Handicapped Children Act was created to make sure that all children with a disability receive a free and appropriate education. This act also described what a least restrictive environment (LRE) was. LRE is when a student is in a learning environment with the general population as much as possible.
  • Honig VS Doe

    Honig VS Doe
    Honig vs. Doe was a case where a student with disabilities had behavioral outbursts which resulted in the student being suspended. The case ended up going to the supreme court where the result was that a student could not be expeled due to a behavioral issue that is caused or a part of their disability. Should an issue arise that needs to be evaluated this case further went on to state that the student must remain in their current educational setting until the evaluation has been completed.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act

    The Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act was created to ensure that a person with a disability can not be discriminated against in any public area of life. This could include housing, jobs, transportation or public social places. This civil rights act was designed to make sure a person with a disability can live a life like anyone else without a disability.
    [Americans With Disabilities Act]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKyjshcxbI0
  • Individual with Disabilities Education Act

    Individual with Disabilities Education Act
    This act was created originally in 1990 and was modified a few times after that. Through this act children from the age of 3 to 21 are guaranteed the right to a free public education. It also states that it must be in the least restrictive environment. Also grants can be approved through this act for interventions and other services that may be needed.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act was created in 2001. This federal law was created to help make sure that there was constant and consistent improvement of the performance of schools. The intent was to make sure that a student was not "left behind" or stuck in a school system that was not meeting their needs.
  • The Assistive Technology Act

    The Assistive Technology Act
    The assistive technology act was created to give students and people with disabilities the right to select or secure assistive technology that would be best for them. The goal of assistive technology is to make it possible for a person with a disability to participate or learn in the way as someone without a disability. This act also explains the appropriate use of funds for AI at the state level.