
History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    American School for the Deaf was the first school in the U.S. that catered to disabled children. Specifically, children that were hard of hearing. It was founded in West Hartford, Connecticut by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, Dr. Mason Cogswell, and Laurent Clerc. It was also the first school to receive aid from the federal government.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    Council for Exceptional Children
    This organization began in Columbia University, founded by Elizabeth E. Farrell. It started with twelve member which consisted of supervisors and administrators. The purpose of the organization is to inform parents, teachers, and administrators of current policies, rights, and materials to help children with exceptionalities. They also educate the public, provide training's in professional settings, and promote policies.
  • Training of Professional Personnel Act

    Training of Professional Personnel Act
    This act was put into place to inform teachers, program administrators, and leaders of education on how to teach children with a mental disability. This included more than 30,000 special education teachers and other related professionals whose job it was to aid intellectually or physically disabled children.
  • The Rehabilitation Act

    The Rehabilitation Act
    This act requires the institution to place the handicapped child in a mainstream environment. The only way they would remove the child and find an alternative placement is if the child can't achieve academic success with supplementary aides and services. This act requires any recipient who receives federal funding to end discrimination against people with disabilities.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The first federal legislation to pass to protect students with disabilities was called The Education for All Handicapped Children Act. With this act set in place, it would prevent discrimination against students with disabilities; it supported both children with disabilities and their families. It promoted an environment where they would get to socialize with their non-disabled peers as much as possible while still receiving the support they need.
  • The Association of Persons With Severe Handicaps

    The Association of Persons With Severe Handicaps
    This organization promotes inclusive communities and fights against injustices and discrimination that both children and adults will face. Its a non-profit organization with over 30 chapters. Their vision is to provide people with disabilities an inclusive environment where they will be treated as equals.
  • Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

    Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
    The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the Education of the Handicapped Act of 1975 does not have to provide special instruction that will help the child's full potential as learners. They are only required "to permit the child to benefit educationally from that instruction". This is the first time the court interpreted the EHA. The Plaintiff, parents of Amy Rowley, a deaf student. After a two week period an interpreter decided she didn't need his services. She could use her hearing aids and lip read.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    During this time The Education for All Handicapped Children Act became Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It brought more services to disabled students like Individual Education Plans, which with the approval of parents, helped meet the needs of each individual child. They also incorporated individualized transition plans , which is phenomenal plan where they help children decide what to do after high school.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The act pushed the idea that every child could learn. It wanted to reach the goal that every child should be competent in reading and math by 2014. They began holding states accountable for low results though the sates do get to create their own standards. The schools who under perform are responsible for providing free tutoring for their students or they could transfer to better performing schools. The states are responsible for testing basic skills at certain grade levels.
  • Board of Education of the City of New York v. Tom F. and Gilbert F

    Board of Education of the City of New York v. Tom F. and Gilbert F
    The supreme court ruled in the favor of the plaintiff, the child had a learning disability. The public school was not able to support his educational needs so they offered to pay for a private school that could. After two years they refused to pay anymore. The court ruled that if the public school is not suitable to support a child with a disability but a private school is then they are eligible for tuition reimbursement.