History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • Law mandating Compulsory Education

    Law mandating Compulsory Education
    Although compulsory education doesn’t apply only to students with special needs, this is a highly important event because it mandated all children six to sixteen attend school instead of working. The goal of this law was also to improve literacy rates as children were growing into illiterate adults. Parents who did not comply with the Compulsory Education law were fined, some were even taken away from their parental rights. Children had to be rehomed at times.
  • The Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded

    The Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded
    Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe created an “institution” this school was established with the purpose of making “deviant” individuals less so through intensive education. This institute was set up like a boarding school, “deviant” individuals were sent for months at a time and once staff deemed the individual “less deviant”, they were sent home to their families. http://chc.library.umass.edu/state-archives/2017/04/18/outgoing-correspondence-massachusetts-school-for-idiotic-and-feeble-minded-youth/
  • The Council for Exceptional Children

    The Council for Exceptional Children
    Elizabeth E. Farrell was the Founder and first President of the Council for Exceptional Children. The Council for Exceptional Children was created to improve success of children with disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children is known as a source for information, resources, and professional development for special educators.
  • Classification of Autism

    Classification of Autism
    Leo Kanner a researcher in behaviors in children such as feeble-minded, retarded, moronic, idiotic or schizoid was the first person to diagnose infantile Autism. Autism originated from Eugene Bleuler, who had used the term to describe the inward, self-absorbed aspects of schizophrenia in adults. Leo Kanner however believed that schizophrenia would not show in such young ages. https://www.ted.com/talks/steve_silberman_the_forgotten_history_of_autism/transcript?language=en
  • First Center of Independent Living

    First Center of Independent Living
    The Berkeley Center for Independent Living in California was founded by Ed Roberts and others who were attending the University of California at Berkeley. Ed like many other disabled students were denied the right to make basic decisions for themselves and required to live in a hospital and be back by 10p.m. Creating this Independent facility started a national movement! This was also created with the help of federal funding. https://www.nilp.org/history-of-independent-living-movement/
  • Education for All Handicapped Children

    Education for All Handicapped Children
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, is a federal law. President Gerald R. Ford's signed this law which requires public schools to provide appropriate educational services for all children with disabilities between ages three and twenty one. This law had a huge, positive impact on millions of children with disabilities across the country. LRE was also stated in this law, children have the right to be in general ED classrooms with services at hand.
  • Smith v. Robinson

    Smith v. Robinson
    The Handicapped Children's Act resulted from this case. When the Superintendent informed parents of a child who has cerebral palsy, that the School Committee no longer would fund the child's placement in a educational program. The parents, filed an action in Federal District Court against the School Committee. The child ended up winning the case, all court fees were covered under the act and paved the way for other court cases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBN1Dgwsx8Y
  • Americans Disability Act

    Americans Disability Act
    Signed by President George W. Bush, the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government services. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else. Originated when people with and parents of children with disabilities began to fight against exclusion of their children.
  • IDEA

    Previously known as The Education For All Handicapped children, The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ensures equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities. IDEA is the special education law. It gives rights and protections to kids with disabilities. It covers them from birth through high school graduation or age 21 if not yet graduated.

    The IDEA 2004 added a new requirement calling for a "summary of academic and functional performance" to be given to every student who finished their special education program by graduating with a regular diploma or passing the age for special education under state law. It also added that highly qualified special needs teachers must be used for instructional purposes in these settings. It also introduced the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).