Schools for the Blind
Schools for the blind opened in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. Visual Impaired got an education. Learned how to read brail. Children were valued as learners. -
Association of instructors of the Blind
These schools were schools for the deaf and the blind. These schools provided educational support and learning strategies for children with deafness and blindness. Children with these disabilities had the opportunity to get a valuable education. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, helps low income families have assess to high quality educations programs. It helps students and parents with free and reduced lunch. Availability of teachers in disadvantage communities. It gives extra support to children to benefit from public school education programs.
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Vocational Rehabilitation Act
The Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA) is a civil rights law which prohibits any type of discriminations of students with disabilities in any program that receives federal funding. This law is for every student with disability in public schools. It protects the students with inclusion to be supported with the education they deserve in any public institution. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
It is known as Mainstreaming Law. It requires States to provide free and reliable education for children with disabilities with ages ranging from 5 years old to 18 years old. Individualized education programs (IEP's) availability. Least restrictive environment for the children with disabilities. -
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
Requires states to give free and appropriate education to children with disabilities ages 3 to 5 years old. Establish early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities. The early intervention was to help children from ages from birth to 2 years old. The law gave parents with children with disabilities more say in their child's (IEP). -
IDEA (Video)
https://youtu.be/3XMndYNEGFA IDEA serves more than 6 million special needs children. Public schools should give students individualized Education Program (IEP). IEP is a document made in the individualized learning goals the student needs. It is drawn up by teachers, parents and specialists. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
ADA was signed into law by president George W. Bush. This promises people with special needs to have the same rights as everybody else. This includes equal rights in education as in the work force. The law also specifies that children can not be descriminated from schools because of their disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA)
IDEA requires states to provide bilingual education programs for students with disabilities. Provide students with special needs the education needed to transition from school to employment. IDEA added two new categories Autism and brain injury.
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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Requires that all students with disabilities receive services even if they were expelled from school. Requires that all students with disabilities have access to the general education curriculum. Requires a management plan for students with behavior issues to be included in their IEP in students with disabilities have behavior problems. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
Allows districts to use (RTI) models for determining if a child has a specific learning disability. Provides early intervention services for students who need special education or special accommodations, or services. Policies that protects students in need of special education especially by race and ethnicity.