History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • Miami Lighthouse for the Blind

    Miami Lighthouse for the Blind
    Founded in 1931, the center provides learning, research, and vision enhancement to people of all ages. They have employment and volunteer opportunities. Many children and senior services.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
    The ESEA act was the first law that protected and provided for students with disabilities. It established equal access for public education. The free or reduced lunch system was established. Created individual programs for children with disabilities and grant funds.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    The Vocational Rehabilitation Act prevents discrimination against people with disabilities in private organizations receiving federal funds, social, and health services.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Education for all Handicapped Children Act
    The legislation of the Education for all Handicapped children act was to provide children with disabilities special education designed appropriately for them. It supports the states to provide children with disabilities protection and having needs met.
  • Early Intervention Services

    Early Intervention Services
    In part C of the IDEIA, there is the part for early intervention services. The services are for children with disabilities that have diagnosed conditions, developmental delays, or children at risk under 3.
    Website resource- www.interventioncentral.org
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Passed in 1990, this law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. It created equal opportunities in employment, public services, or transportations.
    Video link- https://youtu.be/zKyjshcxbI0
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The No Child left Behind act was made to measure progress by using state wide assessments. In 2011, the requirements were altered to accommodate children with disabilities by allowing for extra time. Focused much more on testing goals.
  • Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)

    Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)
    The ITP, was meant to provide children with disabilities transition services. It assisted children with their goals, interests outside of school, living skills, and employment. Gave an opportunity for learning outside of school.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
    This act allowed districts to use the RTI model to determine special learning disabilities. Federal funds were increased and it raised the standards in Special Education.
  • Educational Placement

    Educational Placement
    Educational placement to this day is changing. It varies case by case. Students are best placed in a setting where they learn best. Inclusivity in a general ed classroom is the goal. The goal is to move to a less and less restrictive environment, with support services as needed.