1954 - Brown Vs. Board of Education
An integral part of history and equality in the school system began with these court proceedings. Although this proceeding was not the end all of segregation it was a monumental starting point to ending black and while segregation in the school system; furthermore allowing for more equal rights. http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
The original ESEA act that allows federal funding for lower economic families. The ESEA is the largest funding for elementary education where tax payers are accountable and measures are being taken to ensure that all students have the same education regardless the economic standing of the family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQzCV1UdPLc -
The Family Educational Rights Act of 1973
FERPA applies to the protection and disclosure of student records in the public education. Any schools that receives federal funds is required to abide by FERPA laws. FERPA gives rights to parents of their children's records.
https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html -
Section 504
A 504 plan is for student's who do not qualify for an IEP plan but still need additional supports in order to function in the daily classroom. i.e. a student with ADHD who takes medicine might require a 504 plan to accommodate additional needs for daily function, standards assessments, and other other allotted interventions. The 504 plan does not allow students to fall through the cracks.
https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/disabilities/sect504faq -
IDEA 1975
One of the many re-authorizations that has taken place for IDEA. Specifically the idea 1975 re-authorization created some of the six components which was procedural safeguards. i.e. Due process for disagreements of placements for students with disabilities. http://www.ideaedu.org/ -
The Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1986
A re-authorization to previous amendments that mandated that services provided to students with disabilities was given by qualified personnel. Also required that at a state level there was a system in place to support the employment services. https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/reg/narrative.html -
The Americans with Disabilities Act
The act that gave Americans with disabilities gave people with disabilities hope. This act disallowed employers to discriminate based on disability, race, culture, or religion. This was to include public transportation, telecommunication, employment, and social work. https://www.ada.gov/ -
No Child left Behind Act of 2002
The No child left behind is a re-authorization from prior acts that makes sure that there is a yearly time lines and standards. Assessments and yearly progress must be made for students from ages K-12 on a state by state basis. This authorization ensures that students are being monitored and making progress adequately. https://www2.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml -
IDEA 2004 Reinactment/Improvement Act
Idea re-authorization suggest that all students receive free and appropriate public education. it also states that interventions and processes need to be in place for students to stay out of special education. Interventions need to be documented and done with fidelity including response to intervention. http://idea.ed.gov/ -
Court Affirms Reimbursement for Special Education
Under the IDEA act families can receive tuition payment from the government for private school. Thus, the confusion that the government funding should be for public education, this court decision is for students whose schools did not meet the needs of the child; and the appeals court decides that the parent can now chose a school of their choice to include private school and the government must fund it. http://www.dkattorneys.com/publications.cfm?id=184