1823 Normal School
The first teacher training program opens as a sort of vocational school giving high school graduates the skills needed to teach. This was the first time teachers were assessed to see if they themselves were competent in the information that they were teaching. -
1922 Council for Exceptional Children
Originally founded to create a professional standard the Council for Exceptional Children has evolved to the largest organization advocating for standards in education. The Council for Exceptional Children puts its focus on both gifted and disabled students. -
1936 First law for testing hearing of school-age children
The first compulsory law for testing hearing of school-age children is enacted in New York. One of the first steps taken to identify children with disabilities so that they could be given accommodations in their schooling. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in any institution that receives federal funding. This was the first civil rights disability act passed and provided a spring board for all acts that followed. -
1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) includes children with both physical and mental limitations. Ensured that public schools must provide children with special needs the free education that other students receive. The act intended to make special education services attainable ensure services that are appropriate for the student as well as allocate federal funds to public schools to use for special education. -
1982 Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley was the very first special education case to climb to the United States Supreme Court. The court ruled that qualified students must have access to public school programs that meet their educational needs it also ruled that qualified students are entitled to an Individual Education Plan to best suit their needs. This set a precedent to lower courts to follow. -
1985 School Committee of Town of Burlington, Massachusetts v. Department of Education of Massachusetts
The Court ruled that a parent may be reimbursed for private education expenses if the school system is not able to properly implement the students IEP so long as the child's private school provides proper education suited to the students needs -
1986 Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
Requires states to provide free public education to children aged three to five that are disabled. By allowing special education to start at an earlier age services to these students can be more effective. -
1990 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
An addition to the Education for All Handicapped Children Act this act requires that students with special needs receive services in the least restrictive environment possible. This act ensures that special needs students are not segregated from their peers. -
1990 The Americans with Disabilities Act
A civil rights law that prohibits discrimination of those with disabilities in public places. This includes employment, education and public transportation.