Watson Vs. City of Cambridge
In the case, the Supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that schools could exclude children with disabilities, if they were disruptive. This led to many states doing the same(Yell, 2019). -
Brown Vs. Board of Education
Although it was a civil rights case, it led to great education reform, and expanse of the idea that everyone is deserving and for the equality of opportunity for education(Yell, 2019). -
Amendments to Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Original act was created to make federal funds available to states to combat poverty. Amendments created funds that made for an expanse of special education funding(Yell, 2019). -
The Education of the Handicapped Act
The foundation for future legislation in special education. Consolidated and funded many projects. Also, made funds for higher education institutions to make special education teacher training programs(Yell, 2019). -
Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
Ruled that it was illegal to discriminate against students with disabilities because it was illegal to discriminate against students based on race. Created due process safeguards, which are still used today(Yell, 2019). -
Signed into law by President Ford and was the biggest increase in federal special education to date. Provided services to 1.75 million students who were excluded from school. Also, increased services for over 3 million students(Yell, 2019). -
Trying to meet the need for early intervention, congress signed into law. Required states to provide services for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Created the Individualized Family Service Plan(Yell, 2019). -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Americans with Disabilities Act
Made the term "disability" used over "handicap". Promoted the use of people first language. Added "autism" and "traumatic brain injury" to disability categories list(Yell, 2019). -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments
After IDEA had been successful in providing free and appropriate education congress reauthorized and amended it. Made the expectations of students with disabilities higher and for more accountability within the educational system(Yell, 2019). -
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Provided guidelines for finding students with disabilities. Provided terms for a highly qualified teacher to teach special education. Encouraged the use of the Response-to-Intervention model of determining if a student is learning disabled(Yell, 2019).