
History Of Special Education

  • Pennsylvania Association for the Retarded

    Pennsylvania Association for the Retarded
    Court rule that schools could not longer exclude children with metal learning disabilities from receiving public education. State lost the power to deny children with learning disabilities access to education. This court case paved the way for similar court hearings around the nation.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    Students with disabilities where banned from attending public schools. People demanded that schools offered adequate education for children with disabilities. The court rule that schools were required to provide information about their curriculum, learning goals, how qualify teachers were for their positions and any other service the school may request.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    For the first time the term Handicap is Defined. Students with disabilities that are part of programs found by the government cannot be discriminated. Includes Section 504 that guarantees rights to people with disabilities.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    States must provided free and adequate education for all children with disabilities. Each student must have an individualized education plan that tailors to their needs. The term least restrictive environment is specified.
  • Willowbrook State School Closes

    Willowbrook State School Closes
    Parents and family grew concern about the low standards the institution help its residents. The institution went under investigation. The states closes the institution that for years house people with disabilities and treater them in an inhumane way.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    People with disabilities cannot longer be discriminated. Ensures that people with disabilities have equal opportunities for employment, services offered to the public, transport, telecommunication and any other accommodation they might need. States that AIDS will be a accepted as a disability.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Ensures that people with disabilities have access to special education services that include the use of assistive technology and social work. For students that do not speak English the state must provide bilingual programs. Requires transition programs for students once they reach age 16. CDC link for more information:
  • Individuals with Disabilities Revised

    Individuals with Disabilities  Revised
    Schools are mainly responsible for ensuring that children with disabilities have access to adequate education. Supports the ideas that classrooms should be inclusive for students with disabilities. Student with disabilities must take assessments as any other typically develop child.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Holds schools accountable for the academic success of students with disabilities. Allows school to have more flexibility on how they use funds to support students. Ensures that curriculum and learning standards are back-up by data collected trough proper research. Video Link:
  • Health Care Plan for Autism

    Health Care Plan for Autism
    Revolutionary health care plan that focus on supporting individuals with Autism. Provides information and resources for families. The program is being founded federally and have networks all throughout the nation.