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Compulsory Education
Massachusetts was the first state to pass compulsory education law and by 1918 all states had similar laws. (Yell, 2016, p.36) -
White House Conference on Children
Focused national attention on children with disabilities with a goal of defining and establishing remedial programs for this population. (Yell, 2016, p.37) -
Council For Exceptional Children
CEC was founded by faculty and students at Colombia University in New York and led by president Elizabeth Farrell to develop educational programming, support teachers, and influence policy making for youth with special needs. (CEC Milestones, 2019) -
First Parent Advocate group
Small groups of parents in states with large state institutions band together to protest exclusion of their children with mental retardation. (The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities, 2019) -
Association of Retarded Citizens
Organized in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a mission to provide information, monitor the quality of services, and advocate for the rights of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Yell, 2016, p. 38) -
Brown V. Board of Education
A landmark victory for the civil rights movement that set precedents for changes in policies and approaches for students with disabilities. (Yell,2016, p. 38) -
The crime
North Carolina made it a crime for parents to persist in forcing the attendance of a child with disabilities after the child's exclusion from public school.(Yell, 2016, p.36) -
Education of the Handicapped Act
This law consolidated federal grands and provided funding to states to initiate, expand or improve special education programs and projects. It was important because it was the first free standing special education law, mandated students with disabilities be educated and required related services needed. (Yell, 2016, p.41) -
P.L. 94-142
President Gerald Ford signed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act which mandated nondiscriminatory evaluation, LRE, due process with parent involvement, free education and an appropriate education developed by the IEP team. (Yell, 2016, p. 42) -
Children's Mental Health
The Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health formed after a meeting of parents and professionals interested in youth with emotional, behavioral and mental disorders.(Yell, 2016, p. 38)