Brown vs Board of Education
Decision which extended equal protection under the law to minorities, paved the way for similar gains for those with disabilities. Parents, who had begun forming special education advocacy groups as early as 1933, became the prime movers in the struggle to improve educational opportunities for their children. -
Bureau of Education for Handicapped
Congress enacted the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in 1965 to address the inequality of educational opportunity for underprivileged children. This landmark legislation provided resources to help ensure that disadvantaged students had access to quality education. In 1966, Congress amended the ESEA to establish a grant program to help states in the “initiation, expansion, and improvement of programs and projects . . . for the education of handicapped children.” -
PARC vs Mills
Congress launched an investigation into the status of children with disabilities and found that millions of children were not receiving an appropriate education: Yet, the most recent statistics provided by the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped estimated that of the more than 8 million children . . . with handicapping conditions requiring special education and related services, -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
On November 19, 1975, Congress enacted Public Law 94-142, also known as The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 . Congress intended that all children with disabilities would “have a right to education, and to establish a process by which State and local educational agencies may be held accountable for providing educational services for all handicapped children.” -
Video- IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: History and Summary
Individuals with Disabilities Act
The law was renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and spawned the delivery of services to millions of students previously denied access to an appropriate education. Thanks to IDEA, these students were not only in school, but also, at least in the best case scenarios, assigned to small classes where specially trained teachers tailored their lessons to each student's individual needs. Schools also were required to provide any additional services -
No Child Left Behind - Video included
The No child Left Behind Act (NCLB), include increased accountability for States, school districts, and schools; greater choice for parents and students, particularly those attending low performing schools; more flexibility for States and local educational agencies (LEAs) in the use of Federal education dollars; and a stronger emphasis on reading, especially for our youngest children.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0--2nhsDorg -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Congress has amended and renamed the special education law several times since 1975. On December 3, 2004, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was amended again.It has two primary purposes. The first purpose is to provide an education that meets a child’s unique needs and prepares the child for further education, employment, and independent living. The second purpose is to protect the rights of both children with disabilities and their parents. -
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Signed by President Barack Obama, this campaign promises "funding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" and 12.2 billion dollars in additional funds -
Children and Families Act - URL Included
Obtained royal assent and became law on 13 March 2014, This summary outlines the key changes the Act makes to the safeguarding and child protection system and services for children and families. Although incorporated into one Act some changes will come into force at different times.
https://www.virtual-college.co.uk/news/safeguarding/2018/01/summary-children-families-act-2014 -
In Plan To Fix Special Education, State Will Spend $212 Million-URL only