Opening of the first school for Disabled
The Connecticut asylum for the Education and Instruction of deaf and dumb persons opened in Hartford. -
School for the Blind Opened
The Perkins Institution for the blind opened up by Samuel Gridley Howe. -
Braile is Created
The Braille code is published. Braille is used for people with a sight impairment to be able to read and write. -
Experimental School is established
Howe established an experimental school for feebleminded youth. -
Segregation in Schools
Segregated classes in schools are established to be alternatives for kids with disabilities. -
Council for Exceptional Children
The council that is formed to help kids with exceptionalities is founded. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
The Supreme Court hands down their decision for Brown vs. BOE. This is when the Supreme Court gave their unanimous decision that segregation in the classroom is a violation of the 14th amendment and should not take place. -
Learning Disability Term Introduced
Samuel A. Kirk introduced the term learning disabilities. He referred to it as children with normal intellectual ability, but afflicted by a covert, brain-based disability that affected their learning. -
ADA is passed
George H.W. Bush signs and puts into law the ADA Act ( The American with Disabilities Act. This helps people with disabilities in society to be able to live as normal as a life they can and can get around without a list of worries or unaccessible places. -
Federal Language Changed
President Obama signs Rosa's Law, which changes the federal language usage from mental retardation to intellectual disability.