History of Special Education

  • American School for the Deaf

    This was the first school to open for children with disabilities. I chose this because it was the first educational institute to open for individuals with a disability as this assignment is about changes in education.
  • Compulsory Education Law

    Compulsory education for children requires all children to receive education for a time frame provided by the government. I chose this because it is shaping how education would be formed in the amount of time spent in it.
  • Beattie v. Board of Education

    Children could be excluded from school due to a disability. I chose this because this was a downfall in education for special needs children as it allowed them to be excluded if the educator felt necessary.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    This was a group of educators that advocated for students with disabilities. This started FAPE (free and appropriate public education) for all students. CEC is still a resource that educators use today. I chose this because advocacy is an important part of education.
  • National Association for Retarded Citizens

    This group was made up of 23 different advocacy groups to put research money into intellectual and developmental disabilities. The NARC is now known as the ARC. I chose this because again advocacy is an important part of education and research is needed to learn more about how help is needed.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    This case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson that stated "separate is not equal". The ruling of Brown v. Board of Education was a cornerstone of civil rights when it stated that racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional. I chose this because this was huge in the civil rights movement as well as education.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This did not induce a law, but did put programs in place to educate students with disabilities. I chose this as it includes both elementary and secondary students and their rights to be educated despite disabilities.
  • Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    This ruling made it unlawful for the D.C. Board of Education to deny these exceptional individual access to equal public education. I chose this because now individuals with special needs could no longer be denied education.
  • Section 504

    This act allows protection from discriminatory action towards individuals with disabilities or special needs. This law includes free and appropriate public education as well as least restricted environment for students with either physical or mental disability. I chose this because individuals with disabilities can no longer receive different treatment in the classroom due to a disability.
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    This act was put in place to give parents more of an opportunity and say in their child's IEP process. I chose this because it is extremely important for parents to have a say in their child's education as well as be aware of what interventions they are receiving at school.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    This act ensured that all individuals with special needs will have the same rights as anyone not involved in special needs would. This made it so people could not be discriminated against in public transits, education, or the workplace for having a disability. I chose this because this involves education as well as basic human rights for individuals with disabilities.
  • IDEA

    This law includes free and appropriate public education, least restrictive environment, individualized education plan, evaluation, student/parent participation, and all procedural safeguards for participants. This act provides equality in education to individuals with disabilities. I chose this because this is a framework we still use today as well as it is more than just the treatment and the education provided, but the services.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    This law was put in place to ensure that all students were on the same proficiency levels by the year 2014 in both reading and math. The name of the act is exactly what it means that no child would be left behind in these areas. It was also controversial because it penalized schools that did not show improvement. I chose this because it was a controversial act and it is difficult to hold accountability for, but it is important.
  • IDEA Reauthorized

    IDEA had changes made to it from the original involving IEP, due process, and student discipline. I chose this because this is the newest model of IDEA and it embodies education today.