History of Special Education

  • First School of special education

    First School of special education
    The word "dumb" meant unable to speak. The school catered children that were classified as deaf and dumb. The school still offered a similar education to the ones who attended a regular school. This gave the children an opportunity to learn like the rest.
  • Brown v Education

    Brown v Education
    This tackled another staple issue that also influenced the push for the acceptance of kids with disabilities. This was the fight to demolish segregation in schools. The goal was to create equal learning environments in all ways.
  • Mills v Board of education

    Mills v Board of education
    The court met on behalf of children who were denied education because of their disabilities. Though the schools argument related to financial reasons, the court made it clear that the funds given were to be distributed evenly amongst all children. The final say made it clear that NO child should be denied education.
  • Public law 93-112

    Public law 93-112
    the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities In any federal environment. This gave everyone a fair chance in the federal system. This also protected the students with disabilities in public schools.
  • EAHCA (original)

    EAHCA (original)
    This law requires schools to accommodate the proper needs of children who are handicap and disabled. Grants are given to the schools to allow this to occur so that everyone receives the proper needs from their public school. This law goes on to be revised and made better.
  • Handicap Act

    Handicap Act
    reauthorization of EHA. This law creates a more rigorous effort in making sure that special needs children and heir families has the support they need.
  • ADA act

    ADA act
    The Americans with disabilities act. This act was signed by former president Bush. This act protected people with disabilities in public places. It provided helpful ways of directions and communication with people with disabilities.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    commonly known as IDEA, this act found ways to include students with disabilities in things like education plans, offered supporting services to the parens, etc. This brought the level of support for the students with disabilities to a new level.
  • No child left behind

    No child left behind
    reauthorized version of ESEA. This law was passed under Bush presidency. This law made it their duty to reassure the importance of providing good and free education for ALL children.
  • Assistive Technology Act

    Assistive Technology Act
    This act made it imperative for there to be assistance for people with disabilities when using technology. This created a more inclusive environment in work places, public areas et. This also promoted awareness and gave confidence to people with disabilities when tackling their daily encounter with technology.