History of Special Education

  • American School for the Deaf 1817

    American School for the Deaf was established in Hartford, Connecticut by Thomas Hopkin's Galloudet and instructor Laurent Clerc. This was an important piece of history for individuals with special needs. It showed that they could also learn regardless of their disabilities.
  • Law Mandating Compulsory Education

    Rhode Island passed a law saying all children should receive an education and the government should provide the education. This was the beginning of the no child left behind or free education for all. An important part of education that is being still the ground of education today.
  • Beattie v. Board of Education

    This case was of a student who was expelled because his face was deformed causing him to drool. He also had speech problems, all his issues were physical. Teachers said the sight of him made them nauseated. The court upheld his expelling and suggested he attend a school for the deaf. In today's society this wouldn't stand how far we have come.
  • Counsel for Exceptional Children

    Organized by a group of administrators and supervisors attending a summer session at a teacher college. It started with 12 members and established the professional standards for special education. We still utilize the standards today.
  • National Association for Retarded Citizens

    A parent organization that put money into the research on intellectual and developmental disabilities. Over the years the name has changed and is now called ARC. This was the beginning for parents to be able to help their children and not put them into institutions.
  • First Center for Independent Living

    The first center was founded by Ed Roberts in Berkeley, California. The centers were created to offer peer support and role modeling. The centers were used to house students who were mentally disabled from the University. This was the start of hundreds of similar facilities across the United States. This gave students with disbilities freedom.
  • Least Restrictive Environment

    Part of a special education law that allows children to have an education alongside their peers. This allows the child to be in a general education classroom with an IEP(Individual Education Program). This opened up doors for children with disabilities and allowed them to be like other children.
  • American with Disabilities Act

    This acts is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This law gives individuals the same rights as everyone else. This was a big achievement for people with disabilities and allowed them to do the same things as other people.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    This act was an updated form of Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. This act made schools and states boost test performances and if they didn't they would risk losing Title I funds. The law had schools test at certain grade levels and they were able to have subgroups such as special education students who would not test the same.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004

    Updated the IDEA of 1990 by calling for early intervention for students, accountability, improved educational outcomes, and raised standards for special education teachers. Early intervention is a major key in how students succeed in school. I think that standards being raised for educators is a great thing.