History of Severe Disabilities

  • Jean Marc Gaspard Itard

    Jean Marc Gaspard Itard
    Itard worked with deaf-mutes in Paris and was a student under Pinel. Is noted for working with Victor, a boy who was found living in the woods. After Victor was labeled at an "idiot" Itard began to work with him, believing that Victor could be taught.
  • Edouard Seguin

    Edouard Seguin
    Seguin was a student of Itard and took on several children with disabilities. In 1839 Seguin established the first school with the intent on educating children with disabilities.
    Edouard Seguin - Museum of disABILITY History
  • Samuel Gridley Howe

    Samuel Gridley Howe
    Howe founded the first public school for disabled children in Boston. This school was created as an experiment, Howe educated boys in a wing of Perkins Institute for the Blind.
  • Idiocy and its Treatment by the Psychological Method

    Idiocy and its Treatment by the Psychological Method
    This book was written by Edouard Seguin and became the standard book that was used when creating more institutions in the United States.
  • Ward v. Flood

    Ward v. Flood
    This case was held by the California Supreme Court after a principal denied a child access to education due to his thought that the student would not be able to master the content.
  • Department of Special Education

    Department of Special Education
    In 1896 the National Education Association started the Department of Special Education which originally was dedicated to educating students who were deaf.
  • Henry Herbert Goddard

    Henry Herbert Goddard
    After translating the Binet-Simon scale into English his version of the scale became widely used to test intelligence in people with disabilities and aided in their diagnosis.
  • International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children

    International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children
    Elizabeth Farrell and her students at Columbia University's Teachers College formed the International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children which later became Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • National Association of Parents and Friends of Mentally Retarded Children

    National Association of Parents and Friends of Mentally Retarded Children
    Parents grouped together to fight for proper education and rights for their children who had disabilities. In September representatives from the groups met in Minneapolis to form this association.
  • Public Law 85-926

    Public Law 85-926
    Act to Encourage Expansion of Teaching in the Education of Mentally Retarded Children Through Grants to Institutions of Higher Learning and to State Education Agencies.
    PL 85-926
  • IDEA

    Requires that children who have disabilities are to be educated alongside non-disabled peers.
    IDEA informational video