Sep 9, 1495
1495 Leonardo da vincis humanoid robot
Leonardo da vinci designed what may be the first humanoid robot though it cannot be confirmed. -
Blaise pascal's calculator
Invented a calculating machine to help his father with taxes. The device is called the pascaline and about 50 pascalines were built. -
Jacques de Vaucansons "The duck"
This device could flap it's wings,eat,and digest grain.Each wing contained over four-hundred moving parts. -
Joseph-marie jacquard's electric loom
Programmed to create designs that could be printed onto cloth or tissue. -
John brainerd's "steam man"
used to pull wheeled carts and more. -
Westinghouse's ELEKTRO
A human-like robot that could walk,talk,and smoke. -
Willard pollard and Harold roselund programmable paint sprayer.
The first "programmable" mechanism, a paint sprayer was designed for the DeVilbiss company. -
W. grey walter "Turtle robots"
Elmer and Elsie,Also known as the turtle robots.The robots were capable of finding their charging station when their power ran low. -
George Devol's Unimate
Designd the first truly programmable robot and it called UNIMATE for "Universal Automation." -
Mcgee and Frank's computer controlled bot.
The first computer controlled walking machine. -
R.Moshers manual walking truck
The first manually controlled truck. It could walk up to 4 miles per hour. -
Victor Scheinman's stanford arm.
First successful electrically-powered,computer-programmed robot arm. -
Ichiro kato created WABOT 1 which was the first full-scale anthropomorphic robot in the world. -
Produced by the first batch of second-generation 8080 general purpose chips. -
Victor Schenman's puma
Developed puma.Was widely used in industrial operations.