Marmaduke B. Sampson
Wrote the account "The Science of Skull Bumps" -
The practice of examining bumps on a person's intellect and character traits became an important practice in the U.S. in the mid 1800s -
William James
Taught the first psychology class at Harvard University 1875 -
Inquires into Human Faulty
Sir Francis Galton published his book in 1883 -
The Principles of Psychology
The book Principles of Psychology was written by William James in 1890 -
Wihelm Wundt
In 1897 Leipzig, Germany Wihelm Wundt started the laboratory of psychology studying human behavior in systematic and scientific manner. He was a structuralist. He developed a type of self-observation called introspection to collect information about the mind. -
Sigmund Frued
Sigmund Frued practiced in Vienna until 1938