French Revolution
Members of the third state take control of France. -
Colombias independence
Colombians where free from spanish rule. -
Origin of species
Charles Darwin writes a book that makes the beginning of all evolutionary biology. -
Paul Brocas discovery
Paul Broca discovered an area in the left side of the brain that controls speech. -
First experimental psychology lab
Wilhelm Wundt makes the first experimental psychology lab in the university in Germany. -
Stanley Hall establish a laboratory
Stanley Hall establish a laboratory at John Hopkins University -
APA is founded
APA is founded in Clark university by G. Stanley Hall -
Father of psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud is considered father of psychoanalysis towards the end of the 19th century. -
Birth of Structuralism
It consists on analyzing a specific field from a complex system of various components, founded by the Swiss linguistic theorist Ferdinand de Saussure. -
Getsalt Theory
It emphasised on the effect our family, cultural, and social environment have on individuals. -
Develop IQ skill
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon develop an intelligence skill. -
Psychology as a behaviourist views it
John B. Watson published his behavioural manifesto -
Assasination od Franz Ferdinand
His death started WWI -
Russian Revolution
Communist state establishes a new rule. -
First systematic ink blot test
Herman Rorschach created the first systematic ink blot test in the early 1920s that showed personality characteristics of people taking the test -
Military psychology tests
170,000 soldiers were tested on their psychological well balance for the first time. -
EEG invention
Hans Berger created the Electroencephalography. -
Begging of WWII
Hitler´s Germany invades Poland, triggering a world war. -
The Behavior of Organisms
B.F Skinner publishes the book The Behavior of Organisms talking about experimental analysis of behavior and operant science. -
Birth of Functionalism Perspective
Emilie Durkheim developed the functionalist perspective, a theory on the societal structures. -
Creation of behavioral theory
B.F Skinner outlines the behavioral therapy -
The ethical standards of psycologists
The APA published their ethics code in 1953 and it has been evolving ever since. -
PET scan
PET stands for positron emission tomography, and it began making scans in the 1950s -
Publication of the magical number 7 plus or minus 2
George A Miller of the university of Harvard publishes his cognitive psychology research. -
FDA approves Lithium
Lithium Carbonate to treat patients with bipolar mood disorders. -
Apollo 11 landed on the moon
An American Astronaut lands on the moon for first time in history. -
The Selfish Gene Publication
Caused a revolution in the social biology field. -
Standardized Test Discrimination
It was said that the Standardized test discriminated against non-english speakers in 1970. -
FDA approved anti-depressants
The FDA approved a list of 37 antidepressants, three of which are Prozac, Zoloft, and Lexapro. -
Publishing of Acts Of Meaning
Published by Jerome Brunner in 1990, about how the cognitive revolution led psychology away from understanding the mind as a creator of meaning.