History of Psychology

  • French Revolution

    Members of the third state take control of France.
  • Colombias independence

    Colombians where free from spanish rule.
  • Origin of species

    Charles Darwin writes a book that makes the beginning of all evolutionary biology.
  • Paul Brocas discovery

    Paul Broca discovered an area in the left side of the brain that controls speech.
  • First experimental psychology lab

    Wilhelm Wundt makes the first experimental psychology lab in the university in Germany.
  • Stanley Hall establish a laboratory

    Stanley Hall establish a laboratory at John Hopkins University
  • APA is founded

    APA is founded in Clark university by G. Stanley Hall
  • Father of psychoanalysis

    Sigmund Freud is considered father of psychoanalysis towards the end of the 19th century.
  • Birth of Structuralism

    It consists on analyzing a specific field from a complex system of various components, founded by the Swiss linguistic theorist Ferdinand de Saussure.
  • Getsalt Theory

    Getsalt Theory
    It emphasised on the effect our family, cultural, and social environment have on individuals.
  • Develop IQ skill

    Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon develop an intelligence skill.
  • Psychology as a behaviourist views it

    John B. Watson published his behavioural manifesto
  • Assasination od Franz Ferdinand

    His death started WWI
  • Russian Revolution

    Communist state establishes a new rule.
  • First systematic ink blot test

    First systematic ink blot test
    Herman Rorschach created the first systematic ink blot test in the early 1920s that showed personality characteristics of people taking the test
  • Military psychology tests

    170,000 soldiers were tested on their psychological well balance for the first time.
  • EEG invention

    EEG invention
    Hans Berger created the Electroencephalography.
  • Begging of WWII

    Hitler´s Germany invades Poland, triggering a world war.
  • The Behavior of Organisms

    B.F Skinner publishes the book The Behavior of Organisms talking about experimental analysis of behavior and operant science.
  • Birth of Functionalism Perspective

    Emilie Durkheim developed the functionalist perspective, a theory on the societal structures.
  • Creation of behavioral theory

    B.F Skinner outlines the behavioral therapy
  • The ethical standards of psycologists

    The APA published their ethics code in 1953 and it has been evolving ever since.
  • PET scan

    PET scan
    PET stands for positron emission tomography, and it began making scans in the 1950s
  • Publication of the magical number 7 plus or minus 2

    George A Miller of the university of Harvard publishes his cognitive psychology research.
  • FDA approves Lithium

    Lithium Carbonate to treat patients with bipolar mood disorders.
  • Apollo 11 landed on the moon

    An American Astronaut lands on the moon for first time in history.
  • The Selfish Gene Publication

    Caused a revolution in the social biology field.
  • Standardized Test Discrimination

    It was said that the Standardized test discriminated against non-english speakers in 1970.
  • FDA approved anti-depressants

    The FDA approved a list of 37 antidepressants, three of which are Prozac, Zoloft, and Lexapro.
  • Publishing of Acts Of Meaning

    Published by Jerome Brunner in 1990, about how the cognitive revolution led psychology away from understanding the mind as a creator of meaning.