May 3, 1184
ducleimer was invented 5000 years ago
In Spain a dulcimer-like instrument is depicted on a cathedral relief from 1184 A.D. -
Jun 3, 1400
clavichord was invsented
It flourished for centuries later in the music of Bach. -
Feb 7, 1511
It is a small harpsichord with keys at right angles to a single set of strings. -
Cristofori Piano forte
In about 1710, Bartolomeo Cristofori built several instruments in harpsichord shape but with hummer mechanisms surprisingly like the modern piano action. -
First exhibited in Florence
Cristafori's new instrument was named gravicembalo col piano e forte( roughly "soft and loud keybord instrument"). -
Hammer-keyboard designs
Jean Marius submits hammer-keyboard designs to Royal Academy of Science, paris -
square modern piano
The square piano originated in efforts of German builders to adapt Cristofori's piano-forte to the traditional rectangular shape of the clavichord.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano) -
soft pedal
soft piano pedals were invented -
sustain pedal
sustain piano pedals were invented. -
6-octave piano
Broadwood makes a 6-octave grand for the Queen of Spain, London(https://www.piano-tuners.org/history/history_1.htm) -
upright piano
In 1800 the first satisfactory uprights were invented independently by Hawkins of Philadelphia and Mueller of Vienna.(http://pianonet.com/all-about-pianos/history-of-the-piano/) -
PIano of Beethoven's period
During the 18th century piano builders gradually extended the keyboard, using constantly heavier hammers and strings that required increased strengthening of the fame.(http://www.all-about-pianos.com/history-of-the-piano.html) -
Erard Brothers of Paris present Beethoven with a piano -
piano by Thom and Allen
First successful use of metal in grand piano frame by Thom and Allen, London(http://inventors.about.com/od/pstartinventions/a/piano.htm) -
piano of LIncoln's period
The oustanding improvements were the double-repetition action of Sebastien Erard. -
Erard makes a 7-octave piano(http://www.ptg.org/Scripts/4Disapi.dll/4DCGI/cms/review.html?Action=CMS_Document&DocID=109&MenuKey=Menu9) -
Welte-Migon's invention
Welte-Mignon invents a player-piano mechanism, Freiburg, Germany -
this form reached its peak in a period of Bach and Handel. -
THought originally in Italy and was perfected by English buildres. -
Modern technology (new glues, better control of woods, stronger wire, new manufacturing processes, etc.) has enabled the modern piano to become the most used and and versatile of all musical instruments.