History of philosophy

  • Period: 1800 BCE to

    Contemporary philosophy

    This period is characterized by having diverse philosophical trends. Some of the themes that interested contemporary philosophers were society, morality, history and human existence. Some of the most important philosophers of this period are Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche, Russell, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Sartre, Ortega and Gasset and Habermas.
  • Period: 1700 BCE to

    The Enlightenment

    Philosophy believed that society must be improved. Philosophers argued that this improvement of society would be achieved by educating the population and cultivating free thought. The importants philosophers of this stage are Rousseau, Voltaire and Kant.
  • Period: 1401 BCE to 1500

    The Renaissance

    During this period the classical authors of Greco- Roman culture were explored and studied.
  • Period: 101 BCE to 476

    Christian philosophy

    There were several attempts to create a synthesis between philosophy and Christianity. The importants philosophers of this stage are Plonitus, Porphyry and Augustin of Hippo.
  • Period: 322 to 101 BCE

    Hellenistic philosophy

    La filosofía se dividió en dos tendencias: la filosofía moral y la investigación del mundo natural. The importants philosophers of this stage are Epicurus, Zeno, Euclid and Archimedes.
  • Period: 500 to 322 BCE

    Classical philosophy

    Philosophy shifted from the natural world to human beings and their life in society. The importants philosophers of this stage are Sophists, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
  • Period: 600 to 500 BCE

    Pre-Socratic philosophy

    It offered a rational explanation of the reality of nature.
    The importants philosophers of this stage are Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides and Denocritus.
  • Period: to 1800 BCE

    Rationalism and empiricism

    During the 17th century, philosophers focused their interest questions related to our knowledge of reality.