
History of Pastafarianism

  • Publication

    Henderson decided to upload the latter to the internet after getting no response from the board. He also continued to post the responses he then received and hate mail.
  • Origin

    Bobby Henderson wrote to the Kansas School Board with concerns about the curriculum. He argued that if they were going to teach Intelligent Design Theory, they had to also teach Pastafarianism, which had the same amount of scientific proof.
  • FSM's "Jesus Fish" is Created

    FSM's "Jesus Fish" is Created
    This is widely accepted a symbolizing FSM. It is a parody of Christians' Jesus fish.
  • The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Published

    The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Published
    Written by Henderson, this book was written as a joke against intelligent design.
  • Kansas State Board of Education Rejects Previous Amendments

    The Kansas State Board of Education took back their allowance of intelligent design being taught instead of evolution. This was the issue that Henderson originally created the FSM for.
  • The Loose Canon is Published

    The Loose Canon is Published
    The Loose Canon was created as a parody to the Bible.
  • Giorgos Loizos is Given Jail Time for Pastafarian Facebook Account

    Giorgos Loizos was given 10 months for creating a blasphemous Facebook account parodying a dead monk in Greece.
  • Legal Recognition

    Legal Recognition
    Pastafarianism was first legally recognized in New Zealand where couple Toby Ricketts and Marianna Fenn got married on a boat dressed like pirates.
  • I, Pastafari is Published

    I, Pastafari is Published
    I, Pastafari is a documentary about Pastafarianism.