Period: 1 CE to 273
The Free Centuries
1 AF - 273 AF -
The Unification
In 273 AF, the countries of Thandard, Amyria, Kathirath and North Fargarthia created an union for defending their political, economical and miltary interests and guaranteeing the independende and freedom of the four states. -
Period: 273 to 407
Third Era (The Golden Century)
273 AF - 407 AF -
Period: 279 to 285
The Fargarthian War
In 279 AF, the king of South Fargarthia declared war on North Fargarthia because he blamed them of creating an union with the purpose of isolating them. North Fargarthia would count with the support of its allies and the war would end with the success of the ¨Revolution of Wheat¨. -
The Battle of the Golden Valley
The Sirione Riots
Period: 282 to 285
The Revolution of Wheat
In 282 AF, the war effort required tons of wheat and this produced a famine which affected to 4/5 of the South Fargarthian population. This was because the South Fargathian economy was mostly agrarian. In response to the tirany of the king, the landlords rose against the Royal Army. The landlords counted with the support of the Union Army and achieved victory in 285. -
The Fall of Orindond
The Treaty of Orindond
In 285 AF, the Rebel Army took the city of Orindond with the support of the Union Army which was containing the last royal troops 25 miles away. Before the landlords entered the city, the king commited suicide. The landlord and the union representatives signed an agreement with the remains of the royal government to give the leader of the rebellion the right of ruling South Fargarthia and ending the war. -
The Treaty of Sirione
One year after the Treaty of Orindond, the South Fargarthian government met the other countries representatives to apply for joining their union. In this treaty, the capital city of South Fargarthia would change to Sirione, and the union would change its name to ´Fappington Manor¨. -
The Battle of Tholz
Period: 314 to 323
The War of the Burning Sea
After two centuries of wars, the northern Kingdom of Antarion tried to restore the Aerian Empire. In 314 AF, several armies, making a total of 150.000 men marched south to gain control of the Burning Sea and go through the desserts and jungles of the several Salandrine Kingdoms. The Salandrian Kingdoms would count with the support of North and South Fargarthia and this would help them to win the war in 323 AF. -
The Battle of Llandy Dessert
The Siege of Chipa Keep
The Treaty of Beford
War was going fatally for the Salandrian Kingdoms and the only chance of winning resided in foreign aid. In 316 AF, the Salandrian Kingdoms started negociations with both Fargarthias for having their military support in exchange of giving them right to occupy some islands, giving North Fargarthia the Beford Peninsula, joining all Salandrian kingdoms in one only Great Salandria and joining Fappington Manor. -
The Battle of Iah
The Miracle of Wyrm
While the Eastern Salandrian armies were achieving some victories with the arrival of Fargarthian armies, the situation on the West was totally different.
The Western Salandrian armies were retreating and the enemy forces were advancing to the capital city of all the Salandrian kingdoms: The Golden City of Wimor. But in 319 the Wyrm Prince decided to make a last effort. He reunited 15.000 horsemen and made a charge which broke out the enemy lines. This would change the war in the western front. -
The Battle of Kalka
The Peace of Beford
After nine years of war, the Kingdom of Antarion ceased hostilities against Salandrian kingdoms due the uncapability to get success in the campaign. A peace treaty was signed in the city of Beford, but the Kingdom of Antarion didn´t recognize a defeat in the treaty. This treaty included the devolution to the Kingdom of Antarion the city of Heyfalls and the fortress of Caer Tuira and the unification of all Salandrian Kingdoms in a Great Salandria and joining this new country to Fappington Manor. -
The Treaty of Heyfalls
In 329 AF, the political, economical and social situation in Antarion was in such a critical state that they were on the verge of a civil war.
To estabilize the country, the king decide to organise a meeting in the city of Heyfalls to apply for joining Fappington Manor. The meeting was successful and the Kingdom of Antarion became one more state of the union which changed its name to Fappingland and the ruler of North Fargarthia became the absolute and only leader of this newborn empire -
The Treaty of Pecot
Eager for territorial expansion, the emperor sent a diplomatic delegation to have a meeting with the leaders of the northern state of the Bay County, founded in the year 332 AF. The meeting took place in the capital city of Pecot in 336 AF -
The Treaty of Iriar
The Assault of Darkwood Fortress
After declaring the state of rebellion against the imperial crown, the Kingdoms of Kathirath and Salandria sent 20.000 men divided in two armies to take the Darkwood Fortress, a strategic point which was in the middle of the two rebel territories and in North Fargarthian territory. The taking of this fort drove the empire into a civil war that would last 5 years. -
Period: 407 to 673
Fourth Era
407 AF - 673 AF -
Period: 407 to 412
The Lustrum Rebellion
After almost a century of peace, prosperity and territorial expansion, Fappingland reached its peek, but new ways to think shook the base of the monarchy and some people claimed the right of deciding their own future. Some monarchs and nobles across the empire started to conspire against the emperor and in 407 AF, the territories of Kathirath and Salandria declared themselves in state of rebellion and started a war which would end five years later with the restoration of the previous dinasty. -
The Battle of Spur
The March of the South
The Battle of Raised Spears
Period: 499 to 584
The 85 years War
After restoring the North Fargarthian dinasty after the failure of the rebellion in 412 AF, the desire to overthrow the emperor increased each year. In 499 AF, the Amyrian nobility named Lord Greywulf the legitimate king and declared war against the empire. This war is considered one of the deadliest wars in New Fappingland´s history, because 10 million men were called to arms and only 2.5 million returned home. The war ended in 584 AF with a rebel victory and no peace treaty was signed. -
Battle of Beacon Hills
The First Battle of the Blighted Lands
The Second Battle of the Blighted Lands
The Siege of The Fortress of Lord Greywulf
The Coup of the Imperial Guard
The Triumvirate Letters
For the first time in 200 years, the Emperor decided to summon the Imperial Assembly, due to the danger that ran the monarchy, after the rise of the claims that sought to convert New Fappingland into a republic. In the meeting, the representors of all Kingdoms signed an agreement. From that day, New Fappingland would be ruled by a superior chamber, formed by the kings of North Fargarthia, Amyria and Salandria, and an inferior one with 45, 40 and 35 representors respectively. This was on 672 AF. -
The Night of the Opressed Kings
One year after the Triumvirate Letters were signed, the kingdom of Antarion claimed its right of being in the Assembly because of its military and economic strength. The issue was taken to vote, and there was a tie in the votation. In that case, the Emperor had the obligation to vote and voted ¨Yes¨. Three days after, the king of Antarion dissolved the Asembly, arrested the emperor and the other kings and proclaimed himself as supreme leader, imposing a dictatorship that would last 357 years. -
The Battle of Brodnoi
Period: 673 to 1030
Fifth Era
673 AF - 1030 AF -
Period: 673 to 1030
The 350 years Dictatorship
Period: 673 to 679
The War of the Four Kingdoms
The Battle of Hanau
The Battle of Keti´s Plains
The Battle of Pilsh
The Battle of Fitz
The Uprising of Baythorp
Period: 704 to 707
The Rebellion of the Rose
The Battle of the Frost Aisle
The Uprising of Blabrygg
Period: 898 to 924
The Bright Uprising
The Battle of Fremm
The Uprising of Beford
The Uprising of Haford
The Uprising of Aben
The Battle of Heli River
The Uprising of Barisea
The Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Barisea
The Assault to Fort Stormwatch
Period: 1023 to 1030
The White Spring
The Fall of Olwold
Period: 1030 to 1230
Sixth Era
1030 AF - 1230 AF -
Period: 1030 to 1046
The Democratic Republic of New Fappingland
First Democratic Elections
Period: 1037 to 1043
The Anti-Democratic War
Operation: Nostalgia
Period: 1046 to 1057
The Great War