School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvannia v. Schempp, and Murray v. Curlett
In these cases, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that no state law or school board would require students to read passages from the Bible. Additionally, students could be excluded from these exercise with a written note from their parents. -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act becomes a law and it becomes the law that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Additionally, it ended racial segregation in schools. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The intention of this ESEA Act was to provide federal funds for helping low income students. Furthemore, because of this Act Ttile I and Bilingual Education initiated. Its intentions were to close the gap between students to create fair and equal opportunities in regards to education. -
The Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 of this Act, extended and created civil rights for people with disabilities in regards to education and other settings. It allows students with disabilities to have accomodations when needed and also assistance if necessary. -
Education Of All Handicapped Children
This law requires that all public school who accept federal funds provide equal access to education for children with mental and physical disabilities. It also requires that the access to education be provided in least restrictive settings. -
The Refugee Act of 1980
This law admitted 3 milion refugees for humanitarian reasons in the United States. Additionally, these 3 million refugees included many students with special needs and issues that they brought classroom. -
The Emergency Immigration Education Act
The purpose of this act is to provide educational services and offset costs for immigrant children in elementary and secondary public and nonpublic schools. Additionally, it all depends on the number of immigrant students that the school has. -
Public Law 101-476, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
This law changes the terminology from handicap to disability. It also add autism and traumatic brain injury to the eligibility list. Additionally, it requires mandates transition services. -
The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA, 2004)
This Act took effect on July 1, 2005 and it includes modification in the IEP and procedural safeguards. Additionally, IDEA also aligned with the No Child Behind Left Act. The IDEA (2004) also requires for school districts to use the Response to Intervention which is used as an approach for early identification of students at risk in regards to learning disabilities. -
Transgender Students Bathroom
The federal government notifies that school districts that they have to allow transgender students to use the bathroom in accordance to their gender identity. Furthermore, even though this is not a law, school districts that choose not to comply with the federal government might face a lawsuit and lose federal aid.