History of Mental Health

  • The first state hospital in the US was opened in Virginia or the mentally ill.

  • A bill was passed by congress that permitted the federal government’s sale of western lands to be used to care for mentally ill, and the bill was vetoed by President Franklin.

  • Social work pioneers were involved in mental health work.

  • The term psychiatric social work was coined by Mary Jerret.

  • Sigmund Freud's writings were introduced into the United States.

  • The American Association of psychiatric Social Workers founded.

  • First book on child psychotherapy.

  • The army created officer level positions for mental health social workers when World War II began.

  • The first piece of mental health legislation was passed by the U.S. government was the National Mental Health Act.

  • National Institution of Mental Health was created

  • NASW was one of the sponsors of the first Mental Health Parity Act.

  • Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act passed

  • Affordable Health Care for American Act was fully implemented.